Chapter 73 // Statement

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You knew bursting through the doors of the courtroom like a madman wasn't angood image, but you had done it before you could even think otherwise.

The audience, which mainly consisted of heroes, police forces, and a few witnesses who had been within range of the recent fights, turned to face you at the sound of the doors slamming against the walls.

The judge stared ahead, displeased, but you simply searched for Bakugo, who was currently sat on the stand.

"Barbaric behavior," Chief Tsuragamae growled form where he sat. "Do you see what I mean, Judge?"

"Shut up you mutt," you scoffed, annoyed. The crowed gasped in disbelief, and you rolled your eyes in response to their reactions.

"Unbelievable, woof," the Chief of Police continued. "Will you allow this in your court room, Judge?"

"Judge," you interrupted before the man could speak, "I'm pretty sure it's against what shitty laws this country has to hold a trial without the star of the show."

"You know nothing about the law," Tsuragamae hissed.

"Silence," the judge demanded, causing the room to fall silent. "I will let Miss [L/N] plead her case," he narrowed his eyes at you, "if she does so civilly."

You hadn't actually expected to be allowed time to defend yourself, so you suddenly felt immense pressure as all eyes fell upon you. However, one look of encouragement from Bakugou, and you managed to calm your racing heart.

"Yeah, I'm dangerous," you eventually settled on. "I could kill everyone in this room. I could, but I haven't. I won't."

"Judge, she has just agreed to being a threat," the chief interrupted.

"Hush," the judge held up a finger and gestured for you to continue.

"But we're all capable of murder," you stated. "We're all capable of picking up a knife and stabbing someone in the back. We're all capable of stealing a cops gun and shooting someone, and we're all capable of slamming on the gas pedal and running someone over, but we don't. That's because we don't have the motivation to do anything of it. I don't have any motivation to harm anyone in this room. The only reason I did what I did was because my memory was erased. I was brainwashed. I didn't even remember any of the people in this room until an hour ago. This morning, I was happy because an amazing doctor fixed me, got me back to normal. Then, I figure out that this mutt," you pointed at the Chief, "is trying to charge me for something I wasn't even properly conscious for, and now I think I'm starting to realize why."

You hopped the wooden barricade separating the defendants and those testifying from the audience and glared at Tsuragamae.

"You're upset that I'm doing your job better than you," you continued. "I've done so much for this country. What the hell have you done since the start of this war? Nothing. You've done fucking nothing! The only time I saw you relatively doing your job was when you lectured me for doing mine!" you averted your attention to the judge.

"This behavior is unacceptable, woof," Tsuragamae shook his head, also looking toward the judge. "I think it's clear what needs to be done."

"Yes, indeed," the judge agreed with a hum. Then, he lifted his gavel and slammed it down at the surface of his podium. "It is clear [Y/N] [L/N] is innocent. Therefore, she is free from all charges brought up against her. She is not to be detained or contained in any way. It is clear she has broken away from any previous controls or brainwashings. This trial is over."

One more slam of the judge's gamble officially ended the trial. A chorus of claps and cheers greeted your ears, but could only focus on finding Bakugo, who you had lost sight of as everyone began to merge together into a crowd.

You yelped when strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind and lifted you a few inches off the ground, but, when you heard a familiar chuckle, your fright disappeared.

You twisted in Bakugo's arms to face the blond, who was staring up at you in admiration. He set you back on your feet, and you draped your arms over his shoulders as his hands settled on your hips.

"Looks like the surgery worked," he stated. "My girl's back."

"Every sarcastic inch," you grinned.

Bakugo managed a small smirk as he abruptly leaned down, causing you to jerk back in order to avoid your faces becoming awkwardly close.

"Whoa, Buddy Boy," you laughed as you pressed two fingers to his lips to prevent them from touching yours. "Not so fast."

Bakugo furrowed his brows as he leaned back. His hand squeezed your hip, a silent exertion of his frustration and confusion.

"Why not?" he asked, punctuating his question with a small huff.

"We're in a courtroom full of people," you began, "and I guarantee, once we get started, we won't stop."

"And that's a bad thing?" he questioned. He attempted to to kiss you once more, but you tilted your head to the side and pressed your palm to his face.

"Later," you stated, holding out a pinky. "I pinky promise."

Bakugo rolled his eyes, yet he still wrapped his pinky around yours, sealing the deal. He then leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear, and whispered, "break it and you'll pay for it."

"Bakugo!" you exclaimed, slapping his shoulder.

He let out an amused scoff at your reaction, saying, "don't break it, and you won't have to worry."

You stuck your tongue out childishly, and Bakugo gave your bottom a light tap in response. However, your antics were put to a stop when someone cleared their throat from behind you.

You looked over your shoulder to find Chief Tsuragamae standing a couple feet away. His hands were crossed in front of his stomach as he retained his usual professional appearance, but you could see a hint of shame and or embarrassment in his eyes.

"The hell do you want?" Bakugo questioned, and you squeezed his shoulder as a silent "I got this," before turning to fully face the chief.

"Can I help you?" you asked, placing your hands on Bakugo's, which were pressed against your stomach as he still had his arms wrapped around your waist.

Tsuragamae cleared his throat before saying, "I can see, after some thinking, that you are correct in some ways, woof. Your execution was rather...harsh, but I understand. However, you must recognize that I will always do what's best for this country, and I thought I was, woof. With that in mind, I hope you can consider us on equal terms. I'm not trying to be your enemy."

"That would've been more believable if you didn't talk of me as if I'm some barbarian," you stated, a tired sigh slipping past your lips. "I don't accept your apology because you clearly meant what you said, but I will accept your request to move on. Being stuck in the past won't change anything."

"I suppose that all I can ask for, woof," Tsuragamae replied. "Once again, I apologize,"he added before politely bowing and walking off.

"Damn mutt," Bakugo grumbled, his breath fanning against your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Forget about it. It's over," you said with a crooked but forced smile as you craned your head aback to rest on his shoulder.

"Sorry to break up the moment," a familiar voice interrupted, "but it's not over."

You and Bakugo pulled away from each other to turn toward Aizawa, who was standing slouched with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"What's that supposed to mean?" you questioned.

"The entire city is standing outside the courthouse," Aizawa explained. "Whether it be as citizens, news reporters, or wannabe minor heroes, everyone is out there waiting."

"For what?" you asked slowly.

"They're tired of hearing the story from the pros," Aizawa replied. "They want to hear what you have to say."


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