Chapter 31 // To Hate You

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"Today, we'll be re-examining you on the exercises you did during your first day," Aizawa explained from where he stood in front of his students, confusing you since you hadn't been in the hero course at that point.

"Ball throw, long jump, grip strength, etcetera," the hero continued. "[L/N], this will obviously be your first of the tests since you started in General Studies. Why don't you go first? Get it over with."

Mina urged you to take the ball that laid in Aizawa's palm as she shook your shoulders from behind. You eyed Aizawa suspiciously.

You knew that was not the reason he was telling you to go first. You could tell by the way the side of his mouth curled up slightly as he held out his hand that he was about to instigate something that should've never been provoked. He eyed you and then looked in the direction of the angry blond you were ignoring before averting his eyes back to you.

'So he's on my side,' you thought, resisting the urge to grin. It wasn't a shocker Aizawa was giving you the chance to show Bakugo up.

There was really no need for to to partake in the exercise. It was mainly a test to see how much the students have grown since their first day of school, something you don't need to participate in since you didn't do the first round of exercises on day one like everyone else.

Despite that, Aizawa was giving you the chance to participate, and it was clearly because he wanted to give you the chance to flaunt in front of Bakugo. After all, he did seem to already be siding with you during the conversation the two of you had that morning. He seemingly had no problem joining in on poking the angry bear that was Katsuki Bakugo.

You stepped forward, making sure to shoulder-check Bakugo, who was standing in front of you, as you walked over to Aizawa and took the baseball from his hand.

"Whenever you're ready," Aizawa said as he held up the radar gun that had been in his other hand.

You gently tossed the ball up and down in your hand, eventually summoning your strings to wrap around it tightly. You began to swing the ball rapidly in circles a few feet away from your body to gain speed. Once the speed of the ball was fast enough for your liking, you craned your arm back, cautious of your back, and made sure the ball ever so slightly grazed Bakugo's nose before you chucked it, sending it flying through the air and over the trees in the distance.

Aizawa showed your classmates the screen of the radar gun, which read, "714.9 meters."

"You wanna know how much that'd hurt in your no-no spot?" you asked while turning toward Bakugo. "Keep ticking me off, and you'll find out, Poppy."

Bakugo stared at you in disbelief as you walked past him to rejoin Mina. You weren't sure if his shock was from how far you threw or the fact that you suddenly turned cold, but you didn't care. You were getting under his skin, and that was all that mattered.


You participated in most of the other exercises to follow with the exception of the long jump since there was a big chance it could rip your stitches.

You finished your sprint in 5.78 seconds and figured out you had a grip strength of 30.4 kilograms. You also cleared the obstacle course in under twenty seconds.

It wasn't long before Aizawa called it a day for you. You ended up sitting down to get more calories in around noon while everyone did some harsher endurance exercises.

"You're really pissing him off," Shinso claimed, who sat across from you.

The two of you decided to eat lunch outside, so you could observe as the rest of the class trained. You sat at one of the tables near the pavilion.

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