Chapter 44 // Space

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I accidentally deleted a whole chapter of this book while editing, and it was the longest fucking chapter 💀 now I have to rewrite it and I wanna kms

Before anyone knew it, the two week mark of your recovery journey had arrived, which meant you were a fourth of the way toward being back to normal. However, the two week mark also meant another thing: walking.

The time came where the doctor thought you had become stable enough to begin walking, and the sooner the better. The faster you got back to your normal routine, the quicker and smoother your recovery would go.

"Alright," your designated doctor stated as he clapped his hands with a small smile.

You sat at the edge of your bed while Bakugo stood at the other end of the room like the doctor had instructed minutes ago.

"We're gonna try and have you walk over to your freind there," he gestured toward Bakugo. "I'll hover along the way, but I will not touch you unless you're about to fall. I want you to try and be as independent as possible."

"L-let's j-just get i-it do-ne," you sighed. You liked the idea of walking, but you definitely didn't like the excruciating process you'd have to go through to get back into it.

You slowly slid off the bed but kept your hands gripping the mattress in case your legs were to give out. You slightly shivered when your bare feet hit the cold floor.

Your legs were shaky as standing suddenly felt foreign, but you forced yourself to turn and face Bakugo, your hands still grasping the mattress.

"You can do it, Mighty Mouse," Bakugo encouraged with a grin. "If you can take down a villain boss, you can walk in a straight line."

"E-easier sa-id t-than d-done," you huffed.

You took a small step forward as you slowly began to remove your hands from the bed. Your legs shook, so you took your time.

The doctor hovered around you as he followed, but he never touched you as he allowed you to move at your own pace.

It didn't take long for one of your ankles to buckle, causing you to drop down onto one knee.

The doctor reached out to grasp your forearm, but you brushed him off, saying, "I-I'm f-fine. I-I c-can do i-it." The doctor hesitated but eventually backed off.

You pushed yourself off the floor and slowly stood to your full height. You stole a glance at Bakugo as you swayed slightly.

"Come on," he stated as he beckoned you with his hands. "It's just walking. You can do it."

You exhaled deeply before taking another step forward, then another, and another, and another until you were only a couple feet away from Bakugo. The doctor still hovered around you.

You legs shook, and your body was tired. You wanted to sleep, but if you didn't finish this task, the doctor would surely make you try again.

You used your last bit of energy to take a few more steps, and, as soon as Bakugo was within reach, you collapsed in his arms.

"Well done," the doctor praised. "I can tell that was difficult, but it's progress. I'd like to do exercises like this daily to get you used to walking again. For now, how about we just have you walk back to the bed?"

You sighed and looked up at Bakugo, whose arms were loosely wrapped around your waist as you laid against his chest.

"It's the same distance," Bakugo stated. "You can do it."

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