Chapter 45 // Revelations

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"I should've known you two would cause trouble eventually," one of the hospital's many nurses stated as she dragged Shinso and Bakugo out of the building by the back of their shirts.

"Come here again, and start another fight, and you'll be banned," the woman said before turning around and heading back inside.

"Nice job, Worms For Brains," Bakugo scoffed as he looked at Shinso.

"You're the one who shoved me," Shinso hissed.

"'Cause you were being a dumbass!" Bakugo shouted.

"Why is my hero-in-training a dumbass?"

Bakugo and Shinso jumped, startled as none other than Eraserhead dropped down in front them from somewhere above.

"Sensei," Bakugo cleared his throat, "what're you doing here?"

"Patrolling," Aizawa answered shortly as he looked between the two boys. "What's going on here?"

Bakugo and Shinso stole a glance at each other before both blurting out separate statements in unison.

"He's being unreasonable!"

"He's being an invasive prick!"

"Language," Aizawa scolded Bakugo, who rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"I wanted to see [Y/N], but Bakugo's been preventing me from doing so," Shinso began to explain, but Bakugo interrupted.

"And then he shows up and makes a scene even after she told him she doesn't want him there," Bakugo stated, and Shinso scoffed.

"You were the one who made a scene by shoving me and yelling," the lilac haired boy argued.

"Only because you wouldn't leave," the blond countered.

"Quiet," Aizawa commanded, causing both of the boys to fall silent. "I want a detailed explanation from both sides starting with Shinso."

Shinso immediately began speaking, saying, "I wanted to visit [Y/N], but, when I went to her room, she wasn't there. A nurse said she saw her go to the cafeteria, so that's where I went. Her and Bakugo were sitting down. We talked, and Bakugo began to get in my face. He shoved me, and then [Y/N] intervened. She did say she needed some space and that I should leave, but Bakugo was being harsh. He laid his hands on me when he didn't need to and he caused a scene by yelling just to get me to leave."

Bakugo quickly began to tell his side of the story as soon as Shinso stopped talking, saying, "I told him once before a couple days ago to stay away. Then he shows up wanting to talk to [L/N] when she clearly doesn't want him there. He continued to stay after she verbally told him to leave. Yeah, I got a little physical, but it got the job done. This bastard shouldn't have been shown up knowing what he did."

Aizawa raised a brow, intrigued as he averted his attention back to Shinso upon hearing Bakugo's last statement.

"What did you do?" the hero asked.

Shinso pursed his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck, nervousness clearly overtaking him as he began to pivot.

"Shinso," Aizawa said the boy's name sternly.

"I confessed to her," the lilac haired boy blurted out, "in, ya know, a romantic way. I knew she would reject me, but I needed closure. We had a talk, we both cried, and blah, blah, blah. I left the camp after that."

"And he left her alone in the middle of the woods, too," Bakugo added, earning a glare from Shinso.

Aizawa let out a deep sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He shook his head in clear disappointment.

"Children will be children," he said before lifting his head. "I think the only thing that can cause more trouble than villains is kids in love." Bakugo and Shinso stared at the hero, confused and curious.

"I suggest neither of you approach [L/N] until she's healed or she asks for either of you sooner," Aizawa stated. "I think it's more important for you two to work out your own...relationship with each other before trying to talk to her. Neither of you will be able to stay friends with her if you two can't be friends with each other."

"If you're trying to say we," Shinso began, pointing to Bakugo and himself, "need to bond, you may as well throw us both off of a cliff right now because that's what I'll be doing if I try to spend a day with him."

"I'd do it first," Bakugo challenged.

"Enough," Aizawa intervened once more. "I want you two to work out whatever this rivalry is before [Y/N] comes back to school. If she returns and you're still acting like children, I will fix this situation myself."

The two didn't know exactly what the hero meant by "fix this situation myself," but neither of them wanted to find out.

Aizawa used his scarf to pull himself up to sit on top of a nearby lamp post before he pulled himself onto the roof of the hospital and disappeared.

"He's scary sometimes," Shinso stated, pulling his eyes away from the spot Aizawa once was to look at Bakugo.

Bakugo remained silent. He crossed his arms with small huff as he looked everywhere else by the other boy's eyes.

"Look," Shinso sighed. "We don't wanna be friends. We both know that, but, if we can learn to be in the same vicinity without wanting to strangle each other, I think [Y/N] will tolerate us."

"We wouldn't be needing to gain her forgiveness if you would've just stayed away," Bakugo hissed. "Now she hates both of us."

"She doesn't hate us," Shinso sighed as he folded his arms over his chest. "She's just overwhelmed, and she needs some space."

"From you..." the blond mumbled under his breath.

Shinso rolled his eyes and muttered out a chorus of curses, saying, "ridiculous," before spinning around and beginning to walk away. Bakugo eyed the other boy.

Bakugo knew he could get some brownie points with you if he befriended Shinso or at least tried to get along with him. He knew Shinso was important to you, and he was sure you'd choose your childhood best friend over the boy you're currently in love with. He wasn't even sure you could say you loved him after how childish he acted. Even if you didn't love him, he'd still love you. He couldn't not love you, which is why he supposed he could push his arrogance down for a few moments.

"Your quirk is cool, I guess."

Shinso came to a halt. It took him a few moments to overcome his shock, but, when he did, he looked over his shoulder at Bakugo, who was still standing in the same place. His arms were crossed and his lips were pursed in frustration as his eyes wandered.

Shinso let out an amused hum as he fully turned back around and walked over to the blond, saying, "yours is cool too, I guess."

"Don't think this makes us buddy buddy," Bakugo quickly retaliated. "I just love her more than I hate you."

Shinso gave a curt nod, saying, "I guess that's something we can agree on."


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