Scene 4- The Green Room

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We see John and Laura sitting on the love seat and Jackson and Juliette sitting in armchairs across the glass coffee table. All of the furniture and decoration from the green room looked like it was straight out of "The Great Gatsby" Laura had a keen eye for interior design and design in general. She took pride in making sure her mansion was tastefully and beautifully decorated.

John- "And how is Scarlett? Is she doing ok?"

Juliette kept her disgust to her self. Stupid Scarlett is the reason she never sees Jackson anymore.

Jackson- "Oh she's doing great."

Laura- "Well you need to show her that rock sometime soon" She lightly laughs.

John- "I bet he hasn't even bought it" Laura and John laugh with each other.

Jackson- "Oh really? (pulls out pretty nice diamond ring)I'm proposing to her when I get back."

Laura and John- "Congratulations!"

Laura- "That's wonderful news"

Juliette- "You're getting married to Scarlett? I've only seen her like once in my life"

John interrupts in a stern tone "Juliette this isn't about you."

Jackson- "That was two years ago JuJu. I promise you'll love her. she knows so much about you."

Juliette- "I bet i'd know her better if i had a phone (looking at her dad)"

John says even more stern, "Juliette Marie..."

Juliette put her hands up and replies defensively - "I'm just saying"

Changing the subject and breaking the thick tension Jackson blurts "I was wondering if Scarlett could come down and stay here for a couple weeks this summer?"

Juliette gawks and rolls her eyes. Juliette's jealousy amused Jackson.

Laura- "Oh yeah absolutely. I was wondering why she wasn't coming anyways. She's always welcome honey. ..It'll be nice for her to get to know the area"

Jackson is suspicious, "Well thank you for letting her come down. But why would it be good for her to get to know the area?"

It seems Juliette hasn't had enough of testing her parents yet. (She gets like that when her brothers are home). She also tests them by asking,

Juliette- "Yeah. Why?"

John fights the urge to tell his daughter to be a 'good girl'. She hears the phrase often and it almost always without failure makes her upset. He'd rather avoid a tantrum than to correct her attitude.

Laura answers the question "Oh because you grew up here. Women love that stuff"

Laura has a strange reaction to such a bad cover up. She knew John was good at getting people to do what he wanted, but Jackson always had a way of shaking that foundation.

Juliette decides she isn't done. "That stuff sounds boring to me." She knew she was digging herself a little too deep at this point. She had never even been close to having a boyfriend.

Jackson laughs. "Like you would know. You're not a woman JuJu."

Juliette wanted to defend herself. "Yet!"

Jackson- "Oh yes. I'm sure that day will come eventually. Mom can't pick out your clothes forever" He jokes sarcastically.

Juliette had enough and her cheeks began to flush with anger and embarrassment. She kneeled up on the chair she was sitting on and reached across the end table that separated her and her brothers chairs.

She began to hit her hardest on  his arms and chest. Apparently it wasn't very hard because Jackson was just laughing. Him mocking her was making her more angry and she began to hit as hard as she could

Jackson motions to his parents, "Um... your child?"

John looks up from his phone, and says "Both of you knock it off!"

Jackson knows this story all too well. Juliette never got in trouble for anything. At least not on her own. She is the baby whether she's thirteen or not. The youngest daughter of four boys. She could burn the house down and their dad would probably find a way to give her a puppy.

Juliette secretly knew her parents wouldn't do anything if she continued. And she did. She hit him harder and harder until Jackson stopped her. He firmly grabbed her wrists and stopped her himself. He kept squeezing them not realizing his strength.

Jackson said in a low voice looking in her eyes "That's enough."

He put Juliettes wrist back in her lap and lightly pushed her shoulder down so she was sitting in her chair again. She knew that Jackson could make her life living hell in an instant so she stopped and sat there.

Just then JD walks into the green room and realizes his older brother Jackson is finally home. Juliette noticed how his eyes lit up and his mouth slightly opened when JD saw Jackson in the luxury floral armchair. She started to get jealous but she didn't let herself because she knew it wasn't anything personal. JD was just closer with Jackson. That's how it's always been. It's always the boys and then Juliette.

A Poignant Fallacy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora