Scene 13- Her Misbehavior

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John points to the large sectional couch, "Sit." He commands firmly.

Juliette obeys without saying a word and quickly sits on the couch. Laura leaves the room. She always leaves the room when her husband yells at her children. It's always been the case with the Warren family. Fathers relay punishment.. He rarely yells at Juliette though.

John shouts, "What in the world were you thinking?! Do you know how unsafe it is to act like that in public?!"

Juliette quietly chimes in "They were just words. How can they be unsafe?"

John looks at her almost in tears, "It's something you don't need to know. You're too young to know."

John veers back to the topic of her misbehavior.

"What possessed you to do that? You know you're not allowed to say curse words. That's a sin little girl."

"I know. I'm sorry Daddy. I'm really sorry."

Tears started to well up in her eyes.

"I just wanted to be..." She pauses to find her words. "Never mind it's stupid"

John looks at her struggle and wants to comfort her. He sits down beside her and puts his arm around her shoulders.

"Baby you know you can tell me anything."

"I just wish the boys liked me more. And didn't treat me like Im a little kid"

"Honey they don't think that at all. They love you very much."

"I know they love me. But they literally call me a baby everyday."

"Ok. I'll talk to them."

Juliette smiles when she knows that she has won over her dad's heart once again.

"Now please, never do that again."

"Not never!"

John gives her a stern look.

Juliette softens, "Just not for a long, long time."

John smiles and nods. 

John- "Alright. Let's get you ready for bed."

Juliette is confused. Her parents always let her stay up late when they have parties. "What? No! I don't need you to get me ready for bed."

John is distracted on his phone, "Oh I guess you can just get ready yourself. Or I can go get your mom..."

Juliette interrupts- "Daddy I want to go back out to the party. Please?"

John lightly laughs and is easily charmed by his daughters pleading, "No no, honey. You are getting sent to bed."

Juliette protests, "Why?!"

Just then Beau and Jackson walk into the back doors of the living room from the backyard looking for more beers.
They're laughing and stumbling around from how drunk they are. John notices and stops what he's about to say to Juliette.

Beau noticed John sitting next to Juliette, "Oh bro, maybe the golden child finally gonna get her golden ass smacked."

Beau and Jackson laugh at the obscene joke. They know Juliette never gets punished.

John says irritated, "Beau Montgomery. Shut your mouth and leave please."

Jackson and Beau go into the kitchen out of the room.

John says turns back to Juliette, "You disobeyed me and now you're receiving a consequence."

Juliette is frightened, "I don't want you to hit me!You've never done that before!"

John swallows hard and looks at her carefully, "Oh honey no. Of course not. Your brother was just trying to frustrate me. But you're still going to your room for bed."

Juliette protests, "But I've never cursed before this! I'm really sorry Daddy. I promise I won't do it again."

John considers for a moment, "Well your Mother and I always have had a three strike rule. I guess this can be strike one."

Juliette is relieved, "Yay! Thank you Daddy! I love you!"

She wraps her arms tightly around his neck in a huge hug.

John laughs, "I love you too sweetheart."

We see Beau eavesdropping from around the corner. He rolls his eyes and softly scoffs at Juliette getting a three strike rule. Please, he had never heard that from his dad in his 21 years of life.

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