Scene 8- The Somewhat Formal "Informal" Family Meeting

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John and Laura are seen in the formal living room. Laura has her reading glasses on, her brown thin hair in a messy bun, and is sitting on the couch with her navy blue silk pajamas on. She is looking down at her iPad that has a custom calendar she designed herself. She scrolls through it as John is shouting up to the balcony,

"Family meeting!" He left it short and simple laughing at himself for how silly it sounded. He looked at Laura and she was quietly giggling as well. He goes to sit next to her as everyone starts to come down to the living room. He grabs her hand, kisses it, and holds her hand in his lap.

Jackson and Beau walk into the room perplexed "I don't think I've ever attended a "family meeting" in my life"

Beau played along with his trademark sarcasm, "Oh yeah we had all of them without you as kids. We'd drug you and lock you in the basement so we could talk about fAmiLy vAcaTIoNs"

They both laugh even though it wasn't their best joke. They were just starting to warm up to each other again. Even though Beau and Jackson are best friends and see each other most often out of any of the Warren siblings, they still don't spend as much time together as they used to.

The rest of the siblings file into the room and sit on the couches. There's no room for Juliette, as she came in last, so she decides to sit on the floor next to Jackson.

Jackson is Juliette's favorite brother. She hates how he often picks his brothers over her. And although he makes fun of her the least, he still does it often. But she loved him the most. He cuddled her and made her feel safe. He holds her while she goes to sleep and tells her stories. He always tells her how much he loves her and how amazing she is despite the mockery.

He notices that she walked all the way across the room to sit by him and reaches down to ruffle her hair.

John- "Uh alright. I didn't really know how to tell you all this in a way that was efficient besides a family meeting."

They all laughed because they thought it was a little ridiculous. Usually things like this were boring to Juliette, but she knew exactly what this meeting was for and she was excited.

John- "Your mother and I have booked some stuff to do as a family throughout the summer since we're all here. So clear these days in your calendars now so nothing comes up."

The boys start to pull out their phones and once again Juliette can't help but feel left out.

Laura- "Ok, May 16 is James's graduation and we will all definitely be going to that. The senior awards day is that Friday the 15th so if you want to come to that it'll be during the school day."

Juliette interrupted, "ooo! Does that mean I get to miss school Friday?"

John and Laura looked at each other with concerned faces.

John- "Uh probably not sweetheart, sorry."

John and Laura didn't really care about taking her out of school but they knew that they'd have to deal with her and whatever mood she was in if they did take her.

Juliette pouted, "Aww. Darn I wanted to go"

Beau started in, "Oh please this isn't about you it's about JD. Contrary to your belief the world doesn't revolve around you."

John and Laura said calmly, "Hey, hey what's the problem?"

Laura puts her hand on her head and sighs deeply, "I cannot believe the bickering has started this early. Please just stop."

Beau puts his hands up and apologizes defensively. Unlike Jackson, Beau had to be Juliette's least favorite brother. She has a kind heart, and she doesn't like to think about her brother like that, but he gives her a lot of trouble.

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