A New Chapter ; From The Bottom Of My Heart

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Dear Beautiful Book, 

I was finally done with 6th grade and I was going into 7th, I couldn't believe that I did survive! During the summer holidays, all I did was play video games and even study a little. My mom thought that my handwriting in hindi and english was horrible, so she made me write two pages in both languages and she wouldn't let me rest till it came out well. I was frustrated because of that because she was the one who forced me to change my handwriting from cursive to normal.

Anyways, 7th grade started and before I knew it, I found myself standing in one of the assembly lines in that same soccer field. I thought that it was gonna be just me and Nikki in this class but thats when a teacher dragged two other girls into the line. Of course I knew these two, I met one of them in drama class in 6th grade and I met the other during maths class. We were having a combined class and I removed my bag for her to sit. Even though I did know them, I chose to stay quiet during assembly, mostly cause I was introverted.

After assembly was done, we all went to our class which was fortunately on the 2nd floor this time. There were 3 sections this time ; Alpha which consisted of students that picked French as their 2nd language, Beta which consisted of students that chose Hindi as their 2nd language and finally, CBSE. I was in Beta once again, the only difference was that Isa and Zia were in my class as well. Zia was close with Nikki and they both decided to sit together while me and Isa would sit at the table in the back and introduce each other in a proper way. Our teacher this year was Mrs. S, a really sweet but biased teacher. She was new in the school.

I swear I don't remember what we did on our first day, but I do remember that she placed all of us in groups of 4 and me and Isa had to sit with Pedro and Scott, both of them being weird in their own way. Scott was just plain mean to me, Pedro was alright I guess. Mrs. P left the school last year, so for maths, it was now Mrs. Jay, she did give us homework and stuff, but she wasn't as strict as Mrs. P who would call me to answer literally every single question in our maths textbook. Mrs. Jay would just smile at me before explaining the problem to me once again patiently and for homework, she would give us 'clues' which basically meant solving half of the problem and letting us solve the other half. 

7th grade was less lonely and all 4 of us became close, actually close even though Nikki still hated me for what I did to her back in 6th grade. I did apologize multiple times but she didn't seem to listen. For me, things were going a bit too smoothly. 

I remember during drama class, it was just awkward for me because of something that happened during summer holidays. I was selected to perform in a drama in another school but I had to go to school during summer holidays for practice, so I did. One day after practice, my school bus started dropping off everybody and they asked me where my drop point was. I told them bout a supermarket near my house, but they drove to another supermarket which was really far away. When my parents found out, they got mad and decided not to send me to practice anymore since they couldn't trust my school, so that's how I betrayed my entire school once again. 

Anyways so, this time in drama class, we were doing this play based off a book, I think it was called 'The magic of the lost temple'? Okay so, I remember I was the grandmother, Simon was the grandfather, Nikki was the main character and I think Isa was the mother. I don't really remember much, but I do remember this one scene in the skit where the council decides to ban plastic and stuff to protect the lake. I usually didn't forget my lines, but once I did, I was just standing there while my brain worked hard to come up with something and save me from humiliation. 

It did make up something, but I stole another person's lines, I remember he just stared at me with an unamused face as he had to change his lines as well. My teacher noticed how I made something up and he was just smiling and nodding his head, watching us. I always loved the extra sports or craft periods, I was bad at studies for some reason. Back in 7th grade, we all had been living in this tiny bubble which protected us from reality, we were all just happy in our classrooms, not thinking about our future and doing our thing. 7th grade was the transformation from fake to reality.

Anyways, Nikki and Zia were HUGE kpop fans, particularly BTS. I didn't even know who they were even though I did listen to them a few times before. Isa had more knowledge about kpop than me. Nikki and Zia would quiz us about them during free periods and of course, I would only get one or two right, I wasn't a big kpop fan back then, so I do have to thank them both for introducing kpop to me. 

I wanted 7th grade to be my best grade of my life, I wanted it to be happy and fun because this was a new chapter in my life. I didn't want to hurt anybody this year, I wanted to help as many people as I could even though they were mean to me. I wanted this new chapter to be as happy as it could be.  

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