I Love You, From The Bottom Of My Heart

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Dear Beautiful Book,

It's been so long since I updated this and the reason is school. So many things are going on right now and I apologize for that. Anyways, back in 7th grade, I remember trying to participate in interschool dance competition and I had to audition. The audition was pretty simple since we just had to copy our senior's dance moves and of course I did pass, but what I didn't know was that we were going to be performing a classical dance and not a western one which was bad news since I was bad in classical. 

I decided to give it a shot anyways and I went to the practice which was happening in the indoor sports complex. It was a group dance so I tried my best even if I didn't have energy, but the teacher that was incharge of my group decided I wasn't fit for the dance and I had to go back to class. This hurt me for some reason and I had to go to the bathroom to cry before I went back to class. That's just how sensitive I am.

That reminds me of another time I cried, but this time it was because of Isa and Nikki. Imagine though, the people you hang out with 24/7 and trust completely hurt your feelings by being brutally honest. So technically,  it was during a free period. I remember that me and my friends were just talking and stuff when Nikki suddenly goes, "Uk Sky? If you continue acting like this, nobody will like you", and Isa joined in, agreeing with her and then they just raised more points like ; "You never listen to people, you are the only one talking" and that was not true, I was a great listener. The reason why they thought that was because of me telling stories to Isa but she did ask me for it so... it wasn't my fault. 

I was a bad person back then, but I wasn't so horrible. Anyways, after that, I got so hurt that I immediately went to the washroom and I cried in the washroom stall. After I calmed down, I went back to class like nothing happened but my teacher noticed my teary eyes and approached me, asking me if I was okay. I told her I was and went back to studying. For the next few days, everyone ignored me since Nikki still had a 'grudge' on me and wanted to give me a taste of my own medicine. That was horrible but I knew I deserved it, so I just shut up and stayed lonely for a while. They did start talking to me, but I felt like an outcast.

I remember, we had a sleepover at Nikki's house for her birthday and Zia came for a while as well but she had to go soon. Nikki was playing dumb charades (kpop ver) with her apartment friends while I just ate food and watched them play. I felt left out then too, but I gotta say, her friends were really nice to me and tried their best to include me. 

Those days were depressing, but fun, ok nevermind, I'm saying that just to make this book seem a little bit happier. Lets summarize my 7th grade before we move on ; My crush didn't like me back, he liked another girl, my friends ignored me for a few months, I was prob the weird introverted girl and I wasn't exactly doing well in my academics. 

The only things I enjoyed were these random presentations by authors that came to our school. There was this one time when Christopher C. Doyle came to our school to promote his book ; The Pataala Prophecy. He told us random facts about the pyramids of Giza and mysterious places like that which got me interested. From then on, I decided to become an Archeologist because I wanted to uncover secrets from the deep, but of course, my parents never liked the idea of digging up bones to study them. 

Anyways, Let me just conclude this, Isa, Zia and Nikki, if you are reading this, just know that I love you guys (as friends ofc) and we all were just young and confused. I know I made mistakes, but I do hope I made it up to you. I love you, From the bottom of my heart, cause you are the reason I'm still alive. 

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