Farewell, Neverland

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7th March 2023, one of the most memorable moments of my life ; Our official last day of school. Our exams ended on March 6th, but our class technically begged to come on the next day to just relax in our school, just one more day to create precious memories. I remember coming early like always and walking back and forth from the CBSE section to my section, the places where I created unforgettable memories. 

We got our phones, so I was on my phone while waiting for the others and soon, all of them would arrive. Me and Zia spent half of the day in the STEAM lab, a place which had a lot of computers and the place where nobody would come. We did ask the teachers for permission anyways and we played games on it. The internet was trash, but me and Zia still played roblox together. I specifically remember playing horse valley while she tried to get Valorent on her computer. 

We were then called back to the class to stay there cause our principal didn't want us to be roaming around the school like jobless people, but the truth was, we were jobless during that time, but we still listened to her and went back to the class. There, our chemistry teacher was waiting for us, to monitor us and make sure we didn't 'loiter' around the corridors. Inside the classroom, we took a lot of photos and videos and we ordered food and snuck it into the school as soon as the delivery person arrived.

My friends took every chance to ship me with this guy, I'm not going to mention his name or anything, but I was so done with that. Isa wanted to take a selfie 'with' me and him but at the last moment, she would duck and get us both into one frame with both of us awkwardly smiling. When we did realize it, we were so done, I could tell. The reason they shipped me was because he was nice to me? That doesn't make sense though... so Isa, I know you're reading this and I want you to know that I still have the picture and I look horrible in it. I only kept it so that I can rant about it in the future.

We went to the pool after that, we were planning on jumping in with our uniforms, but our principal didn't allow it unless we had our swimsuits and unfortunately I didn't have mine neither did Isa or Zia. There were people that got them and jumped into our pool one last time while me, Isa and Zia just dipped our feet in and splashed water on each other. My skirt was completely wet and so were my legs, but I didn't really care. 

After 30-45 minutes, we went back to our class, but me and Zia managed to escape and go to the STEAM lab again where we played more video games. I was cold because of the water and the air conditioner made it worse, but I didn't care and wanted to enjoy every moment in the school. We went back to class when Amanda ordered waffles and we started to sign each others shirts which made me realize that I was never gonna wear that uniform again after that day. 

I had so many memories in Artion, good and bad. I met the best people there and in 10th grade, my class bonded well together, I was like a stray cat that they decided to take in because of pity. I wasn't close to many guys, but I felt safe when I was in my classroom, surrounded by my classmates and I knew that feeling wouldn't be there anymore. I knew I'd miss it and all these thoughts made me break down into tears. 

Now, I'm not a person that cries in public or front of people, but I couldn't control it. I felt vulnerable. Isa, Zia and Amanda tried their best to console me, but they couldn't. I stopped crying for a while when we went to the Areno; a place for sports, but I started again after a while. We sat down in the ground while we watched the guys play cricket with the teachers. I stopped crying for a while, but I was still teary-eyed. Isa tried to convince me to play, but I was not a sports person and I didn't want to do sports at that moment. 

Before I knew it, the day ended. I was boarding my bus after hugging my friends and making them promise me that we would play roblox every weekend and meet every once in a while. I got into the bus and signed my name near my seat and took a few photos with my juniors in the bus whom I was fond of, I was going to miss telling horror stories to them. After the photos, two of my juniors requested me for one last story, so I told them a horrifying one. That was the last story I ever told in my bus, I got emotional again, but I held in my tears. No way I was going to cry in front of my juniors. 

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