4:baby sitting

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It's now the next day, I had read the whole book all night. I didn't want to sleep as I was concious of my sleep screaming and didn't want to be a burden to the people around me. I got dressed in my normal butler attire and waited for Master to call for me. Soon enough the ding of the bell could be heard. I walked to the end of the hallway and knick on the door waiting for him to let Mr in. Regonald wasn't here today. I wonder why.

As I opened the door I spotted master sitting in his usual spot sitting comfortably on his chair within him was another man in reletivly casual clothes that hit him. He has long wavy black hair that passed just by his shoulders. His skin was black blotched with white and his eyes were mismatched. He was accompanied by a girl who looked around my age she wore a black and white lolita dress, her eyes looked as though they were black and her hair was dead straight and as blond as the beach sand. Her hair was pulled into pigtails making her appear innocent and young, she held a stuffed animal in her hands, a red panda. I wonder if that's her favourite animal. The man gave me a smile as did the girl.

"George this is Delilah and Charlie." Will introduced them.

"Nice to meet you." Charlie offered a hand shake and I took it.

"Its nice to meet you too." I smiled at him. The girl jumped in, she seemed very energetic.

"Hi! I'm Delilah as you've heard. You're the one looking after me?" She jumped up and shook my hand with a sense of eargency, this made me give a large smile for some reason.

"Yeah I am." I beamed changing from my very seriouse demeanour. "You're looking quite lovely I must say, I love your dress." She smiled bouncing up and down.

"Yeah! Daddy got it for me yesterday he's the best daddy ever." I assume she was talking about Charlie who gave a small airy chuckle.

"I think you'll do fine today." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Dont give into her crazy demands though. It'll only be for like an hour or two I just have a seriouse errand to run and I'll be right back." He explained.

"You two have fun. You're not on duty today George you can let loose a little, we'll be back." He gets out of his chair and walks around placing his hand on my head ruffling my mess of hair. They both left the room and all that was left was Delilah and I.

"So what do you want to do right now?" I asked her bending over a little placing my hands on my knees. There were many young kids in the orphanage that I looked out for so this all came naturally to me. I wasn't awkward or stiff I just went with the flow a little.

"Ummm well we have to change that outfit of yours so it's dress up time!!" She beamed and started pulling me to a room I had never seen before. I suppose it was her room or her caregivers. It was a large room that looked similar to mine. But it had an extra room in there.

"This is daddies room but it's mine aswell. This is my playroom!" She pulled me into the extra room. It was bright in there, not like pastels and everything like I had read but it just seemed brighter, same black and redish aesthetic like the rest of the house but more childish. There was a fluffy black mat on the floor covering the hard oak wood. There was a rather large but considerably small compared to the rest of the room forte in the corner, there was a sign on the outside. "Princess Delilahs castel no baddies allowed." It read. It was cute. There was a massive toy box in the corner and a doll house right next to it. There was a small bed pushed against the farthest wall. It had a wall hanging of curtains that looked like it was made for a princess, it was a cute room I must say.

"Here." She said pulling out a box full of clothes from under her bed. "I make daddy play dress ups with me all the time so you should fit in these." She thre a couple dresses at me. And afterwards made me stand there as she compared every one of them to me so she could find "the perfect fit." When she found it she gave it to me and showed me to the bathroom and told me to change. I did as I was told dressing in the large red lolita dress that semi matched hers. I folded my clothes and walked out she was very happy that it fit, it was a little big on me but it still fit.

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