44: confession

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The day quiet ad calm. Delilah was on one of her mission things and Jules and Rye were having a date day so Will, Josh and I had a very lazy day sitting down cuddling and whenever one of them were to leave the other would comfort me and praise me when I would calm down a little bit. They were both very patient with me and would give me a bit of time before one of them would leave so I could prepare myself, and when they would go they would tell me where I was going. I've realised, crazily enough, that it is all way worse when I am little.

"Hey bub, is there a reason you haven't been little all day? Or do you just not feel like it?" Will asked. I was lying on his chest, Josh just left to go get his stuff and explain to his father.

"When im little it's worse. Crying, screaming, kicking. And yous are already so patient with me. It's exhausting, the crying and shreaking and kicking." I explain truthfully. He started stroking my hair, it was quite comforting, my favourite comfort act.

"I understand bub, when Josh comes back do you want to slip for a little and have a nap?" He asked placing a small kiss to my head. I nod in agreeance, it was getting hard fighting the headspace I so desperately wanted to enter.


Will's pov

Josh entered the room a small bag of clothes and a few other things I assume. He sat down next to me admiring the adorable view of George curled up on my chest, thumb in mouth napping. He tried to stay awake but failed when I started singing to him.

"He's so cute." Josh comments. I'm sure if it was any other man to sit next to me and say that I would have wanted to snap their necks. But I now knew Josh, to a small extent but I know him, he means no harm in it. And he wasn't wrong, George was cute. I wanted to get his thumb out of his mouth and replace it with a dummy but he only fell asleep recently and I didn't want to wake him up. 

"He really is isn't he?" My lips tugged upward. "How did your dad take the news?" I asked. Josh took his off and brought his legs up on the bed.

"At first he was mad that I just left. "Its not alpha behaviour" and all. I mean I'm not even next in line to be alpha, my older brother is. Anyway, after I explained the situation he calmed down and and said I could stay as long as it takes. He sends his deepest apologies. He also feels guilty for his actions." Josh explains. George started to toss and turn whine in his sleep. "Its okay little pup, I'm here. So is your daddy, you're okay." He whispered placing his hand on Geirges shoulder which seemed to calm him down. "You're safe. No baddies here." He added on, I asked him to get a dummy from the draw as I was unable to move. I replaced Georges thumb with his dummy and he didn't wake up so it was a mission success.

"Thank you so much." I say out if the blue.

"Such a big thank you for just getting a dummy wow."Josh jokes.

"No, for being here and helping me with everything, it's been so much easier with you around."

"Mm, I owe it to you both. I'm still really sorry about the kidnapping." He apologises for the millionth time.

"Stop apologising, it's fine. It was a mistake, it was horrible. We got passed it and now there's a better outcome. We both have you now." I explained. I didn't want to admit my feelings for Josh were growing. I wasn't going to do anything about it, I'm not a cheater. However I can't deny there are some small feelings being felt and I feel like Josh feels the same for both of us. The way he looks at George and the way he looks at me. I knew he had feelings for George. Two months with the cutie will do that. Two months non stop being around him, he treats everyone with such kindness, even his kidnapper. I knew he liked him but recently he's been giving me the same look as he gives George and its only been a couple days.

"I like yous." Josh bursts out. "Both of you, I like you both and I know this is weird and out of the blue but I can't just keep it to myself. You're both amazing and I know you two are dating and are both in love but my feelings only keep growing the more I am around you both and I wanted to say this when George was awake but he's not and I can't wait any longer I just needed to tell you." He confessed. I was gobsmacked. Flabagasted. I didn't expect that from him. I thought he would have ignored the feelings like I was but I guess he doesn't have a partner.

"I see." I say, lowkey breathless. I didn't know what to say or how to put the words. I'd have to talk to George about it but he was asleep. He wasn't waking up anytime soon, and I'd have to wait untill he was in a bigger headspace.

"You dont have to answer. It's just... I probably should have waited for when I left so it wasn't so awkward but... I dont know. I just wanted to tell you. I needed you to know. I'm not going to do anything about it, but if I do or say anything weird... yeah." I sigh.

"Look... I guess.. I know... I have feelings for you too, I don't know if George does too but if he does... would you be willing to give it a try? A throuple? A poly relationship. Would you be down?" I ask he looked with large eyes not expecting the feeling to be mutual. "Things would probably be a little different and a little awkward at first untill we figure it out but we have to talk to George when he's big to figure it all out." I explain, I could hear his heart rate beating faster than usual.

"Yeah.. I can wait. As long as it takes." Josh smiles and settles into the bed and we wait untill George wakes up. Untill then we talk, very very quietly.

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