36: Will

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It's been 2 days since Josh left, I fear the worst for him. I've only just gotten better and now I have to wait for Josh to come back before I can go back to Will.

"Alphaaa." I complained. I was bored, it was two days of doing nothing, just resting and Rihanna would give me milk in the morning and sometimes some different medicines throughout the day to help with other things that were wrong. The alpha was done with my complaining.

"What is it now George?" He asked trying to work out plans to over throw some vampire coven.

"Dobt you think you should see if the coven is a bad place?" I ask, he's just been finding covens and planning attacks.

"No, why would I do that."

"Thats a stupid question. Not all vampires are bad people. They just do what they have to to survive. Most anyway... the ones I know do. Most of them wait untill they really need blood before they drink. And most of it is from bags." I explain.

"That still comes from humans."

"Still. It's all consensual, I've seen the form, they read it out to any human that finds out. I've memorised it;

Do you (name) wish to have your blood taken for a vampires benefit?


Are you aware that you could potentially loose all gained consciousness if a vampire drinks from you?


Did you take into consideration that it can be addicting to be drinken from a vampire?


Do you accept that if we realise you are addicted or you are losing your mind you will be taken away from it to recover?


Okay and do you agree you will forget everything about vampires all together if we have to let you go?


There's more." I act out. I've heard it through the door. There's a concent form, a waver and an agreement form then there's a documentary they filmed that they show the humans all the potential ways it could end if they choose to be a blood bank. Will didn't let me see that. He said it was too graphic and didn't want me to see.

"Still. It's horrible." He rebuts.

"You're not doing a good job of backing your ideals. The human blood banks chose for this to happen. They knew what would happen. They chose for it. They had the choice to forget about vampires or get drunken from. They could have left." I argue.

"But they probably had the idea that they could get killed if they refused. People agree to things they really don't want to do under stress and fear." He debated.

"Yeah true. However I've been there for months and humans come and go. Will states clearly that nothing will happen to them and make sure their not just making an acceptance out of fear or impulse. They get a comfortable room and a whole basically apartment to live in, they have to think on it for a week. And when they become a blood bank they live in the rooms and don't have to do anything for the rest of their lives or untill they want to leave. He live long comfortable lives untill they die." Alpha seemed to have no words to rebut, noting to add, he kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish waiting for food.

"Thats my boy." I heard from behind me. I spin around as fast as i could, the world was a blur everything lines of speed.

"WILL!" I scream. Running up to him and jumping wrapping my legs around him. Him catching me, Josh was behind him with a few bruises. Will hugged me back burrying his head in my neck, I take in his clean smell, forest and lavender. He looked tired. Will had his arms wrapped tightly around my body, I felt a few tears shed on his own jumper.

"You're all dirty and greasy." He mentions. I laugh and move my head away and kiss him, not caring for my stinky breath. He didn't seem to care either, kissing back. 2 months in not seeing each other will make you not care.

"Yeah i havent been able to wash and i havent brushed my teeth today. But Will, they're good people. You can't hurt them." I pull away cupping his face.

"I'm not going to hurt them. I woulf never, the only reason Josh is a little hurt is because the soldiers went a little iver bord when they first saw him. Don't you worry. Josh and I had a very long conversation and me and the alpha are going to have a long conversation, do you mind going to play with Josh untill I'm done?" I nod my head at his request and pulled out my hands towards Josh who happily took me into his arms and taking me to my room.

"Are you happy to have your daddy back?" He asked, I nodded my head ecstatically jumping down from his arms and grabbing the toys.

"I missed you." I mention handing him a doll he had a look of disbelief painted on his face, he seemed slightly shocked.

"I thought you said you hated me?" He asked as a joke. He gave a slight chuckle after his comment taking the doll into his hands.

"I've been bored, no one wanted to play with me and your dad was getting a little annoyed with my debating." I dramaticly pout. "No one else could handle me, also I suppose I've never hated you, except for when you first took me. I can't lie that really pissed me off. Bur other than that you're the only one I liked in this pack. I only hate Rihanna." I got bored of the dolls fast, I wasn't slipped so it just wasn't fun.

"Well all of that is understandable, no one really likes Rihanna here, she's either talking shit or taking orders a little too seriously she shouldn't be with littles." He mentions. Also placing yhe doll down. We sat and just talked he told me about how it went going to the coven. How the soldiers didn't even let him talk before tiying him up and locking him in a dungeon before Will came down after a while of being away. He told me how he explained and what he said and Will's response. I told him everything I debated about with his dad, I gave him my points and what his father's points were as I was keeping track. I won. 5-0. I was really good at coming up with reasons as to why his logic was shit. But it did pass the time. And stopped one of his planned attacks. I was very happy about that, how I had a say in what he did, even if he does it while I'm gone. Questions flooded my mind though. What would happen with Josh when I go home? Will we still talk? Probably not. I'm gonna miss him. I'll have to ask will later.

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