69 Even if i die

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(He he funny number 😜 jk jk fjdhdj)


As we quietly stepped through the woods, senses on edge waiting for the worst to happen, I keep an eye behind us while Victor guides us towards this tree they go to.

A snap.

A small sound that had us like a deer in headlights looking towards the noise ready to transform in an instant.

Another snap.

It's almost as if they don't care that they're making so much noise. Eventually, the bushes in front of us rustle, and Victor places a hand to my chest as I'm about to transform and lunge at the thing coming towards us. The night was dark and tense. I wanted to be with my partners, but I solely could not. Not until everyone was safe. If they needed me on the battlefield, I would have no choice but to fight. It's my pack, and I have had to be willing to give up my life for it since I was young, taking pledge after pledge promising to lay down my life if anything were to happen, I pledged to keep this pack as safe as I could. I wasn't going to back out of years of pledges now that I have something to live for.

Will and George are a reason to fight harder. I'm prepared to kill anyone that gets in the way of me, Will, and George, I honestly will. So I'm not really worried about anything coming my way. I've been working out much more recently as well, and since George isn't as attached to us anymore, I'm able to transform and go for runs in the mornings scouting the area. I've gotten faster than I've ever been before. Whatever was in the bush in front of us had nothing on my determination.

"It's Ezz." Josh whispers, sniffing the air. This didn't put me off edge toll. I saw the boy walk out looking confused at us and why we were so tense.

"What's happening? Why are you whispering?" Ezra asked, scratching his head.

"Shh," I hissed, worried about who's listening in. He looked at me confused, eyebrow raised a crease forming between them.

"What's happening?" He started to worry, lowering his voice.

"We have to go." Victor directed Ezra, wrapping his arm around his waist. I walk behind again, keeping an eye out. There's no way that if something we're to happen, it wouldn't happen now.

"Will someone explain to me what's happening?" Ezra quietly trod over þwigs worried to make any noise, making sure his steps were on the grass. He wasn't wearing shoes, and he was in minimal clothing a singlet and shorts, no binder.  What was he doing, transforming  all the way out here? Alone?! He should have been with the other littles or with Victor. Why here? Why now?

"Silent evac, we have a bad feeling. We need to get you to the safe point." Victor explained."I'm going to stay, and you're going to go with Josh to the point." I hold onto his arm.

"I'll stay, you go." I get up close to him and whisper in his ear. "He's not gonna feel safe unless he's with you, you go." I state.

"What about george?" He objects, I feel a pang in my heart.

"He's got will. He'll be fine." I know he will. He's brave he can handle a couple more hours.

"Okay, but you have 2 hours. You better be at the safe point then. That's enough to go to dad say everything is good and help organise everything and come back, I don't want you fighting."

"I can't guarantee anything, Vic, and you know that. But I will try my best here and help keep everyone safe." I gave a strong pat to his shoulder, and we left off in 2 different directions. They are safe and I'm going to put an end to this fucked up war.

----WILL POV----

"Sage..." I breathe out. "Would say I'm surprised, but all this for 2 years in the cell. Just so you know, you would have been out sooner if only you'd been nicer to the guards." I glare at him as he glares back.

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