58: Josh leaving

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Josh had to go back to the pack. I was devastated when I heard the news. His pack was at the brink of war with some roages they had been fighting off for a while. He's been called to help as it was getting out of control. He didn't know how long he'd be gone for by but he guessed a week.

"it's okay bud." Josh says after I start crying begging him to stay. "I'll back bubba, it's just a few days to make sure they don't take over, I have to look after all the littles there and put them in a safe spot to get away from the bad guys." He explained.

"Don't go!" I cry harder. I wasn't little but that didn't change the horrific feeling that I felt knowing he was going to leave. I cling to his arm. I saw the pained look on his face. I felt bad but I needed him to stay. "Please, please don't go." Ive known he was going to leave for a while now but I Was hoping it was going to end by the time he had to leave. He won't come back if he leaves.

"I'm sorry little pup, I have to." I saw tears build up in his eyes. He looked at Will giving him a signal to take me, much to my dismay. I began screaming, begging him to stay.

"You can't go!! Please! JOSH!" He had already gotten into the car years now falling as he leaves. "NOOOOO!!" Will holds me close and I cling to him for comfort. Will also seemed tense about him leaving, he just stayed silent through the whole experience not able to say a word. He tightened his hug as the car got out of our vision.

* * * * WILL POV * * * *

I hated the idea of Josh leaving, but I had to be strong for George. I knew the pain he was going through was bad he hadn't been to far away from either of us for longer than 20 minuets. I hugged him tighter for comfort for both him and myself. I used some breathing exercises my therapist taught me, calming my nerves and helping me get a level head to try and help George.

I helped him inside and wanted to take him back to the bedroom but he didn't want to leave the door. I decided to work with him instead of against him and sat there by the door waiting with him.

I called for Reggie to bring us two of Joshes jumpers that he left as well as a healthy snack and some pillows. I had a feeling we were going to be here for a while.

Reggie soon came back with our items with the help of dads butler who I never learned the name of. I helped George put the jumper on and the smell of Josh being with him helped his heart rate a little. I gave him a pillow and made him eat a little bit of fruit on a snackie platter which he enjoyed.

When he had calmed down he crawled towards me and sat in my lap which I was very okay with, Ive been wanting to hold him this entire time however he didn't want to so I was waiting for him To come to me.

"I know baby. I know." He tucked his head into the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears fall. I placed my hand on the back of his head running my fingers through his hair. Calming him down a little. "Do you want some food bub?" I asked as Reggie came over and was holding a fruit platter. George didn't even give it a thought before he shook his head.

"I wan dada." He mumbled too tired to cry anymore.

"I know bubba but you still have to eat." I explain and Reg gave me a sympathetic look. He grew a soft spot for George, he never usually cared for anyone but me but he had been quite a softie towards George. When George refused I didn't push. I'd just try again at lunch.

* * *

"William?" My father asked coming towards the door, shocked. "What are you still doing at the door, you have a lot of work you need to do." He mentioned his butler by his side, he was about to go out and do some of his own business. Probably an out of control wild that no one can control.

"He refuses to leave." I mention, motioning towards the boy clinging to me in my arms. "Josh left this morning." I add on seeing his confusion.

"Ahh the wolf fights I presume?" He asked, I gave a nod and he returned it before leaving. I move a little bit away from the door leaving them way.

"NOOO!" George screamed and I scooted back to the door and he stopped. This was going to be a long week. I sigh looking up at Reginald.

"What would you like master?" He asked basically reading my mind.

"A blanket. He needs a nap." Reggie got right in that and I looked down to large eyes begging me for something. "You're not having alone time you're just having a nap and I'm going to be right here the whole time. I'm not going anywhere little one." I was secretly hoping if he had a nap he would be more willing to leave the door, father was right. I have a LOT to do. Since the whole mums basement thing happened and I refused to leave George's side all the work i needed to look through had piled up. I just want this week, maybe more, is over soon and Josh can come back.

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