53: father son bonding

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Josh wasn't wrong, I knew he needed therapy, I knew he needed it from the second I saw him. But he didn't want it. I wasn't about to push it on him. But this. This is where I do draw the line. He needs it, weather I need to force him there everyday or bribe him into doing it. I know he can. He's brave, i know he is. I also know he needs to talk about it. In the near year he has spent here he hasn't said much about his past. Small bits here and there but not alot and I know it just wasn't a good time. All the scars on his back tell me that.

We were at home waiting for George to wake up. My human nurse was looking after him. He was in a coma, it's said he'll wake up in a couple days to a week. I haven't been able to leave his side. The mark on his neck had left. Thankfully. I guess it was just a temporary binding spell to get George to go to him. I wanna know the reason he had him. I knew Josh was questioning him but didn't get much information. He seemed real pissed. I was too, but I was more worried, concerned for Georgie.

"Look." My dad enterd the room with a grim face noticing my exhaustion. "I'm sorry for what I said before you left. He's your little and if you feel like what you're doing is helping you should do it." It was rare for the old man to apologise.

"What did you do? You never apologise. What's happening?" I ask sceptical. I was watching Georges sleeping face he was so peaceful, yet so traumatised and he never let it show. Not even in little space. The only times you would realise it would be when he had a nightmare and would babble about how scary it was, never relaying any information about it to help us help him.

"Nothing. If I didn't have that stupid argument with you George wouldn't be like this. Everyone cares about him including me and I just want him to be okay." He places his hand reassuringly on my shoulder it could have brought a tear to my eye. My father and I have never had much beef with each other but when we did we ignored it knowing it was really nothing and none of us would apologise for it.

"Thanks dad. He will be alright." A slight silence. "I understand his separation anxiety. I really do." I sigh. I didn't want to leave him, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to I couldn't do anything. I don't believe it was seperation anxiety but I just couldn't leave him. Not while he was in this state and not while he's healing either. If one more person takes my baby away from me I might just have to kill them and everyone who stands in my path.

"I know you do. When you were little." He starts walking towards me and taking a seat right by my side. "People tried taking you away from me and only succeeded once. I killed and killed and got you back in the end. A rivalling coven took you. Wanted to use you as ransom they wanted money and power. I went truely crazy. I had never killed so many vampires in my life. I destroyed a whole coven looking for you. Back then we had many enemies and tried staying to ourselves.

That was the event that kept other covens and packs away from us. No one tried to take you again after that. No one tried to attack us. Everyone left us alone. I never left you alone for months, you were attached to my hip I wouldn't even let your mother take you. Your sister was only just born anf she was busy with her but I couldn't leave you. I really couldn't. We had to re teach you how to walk again after that because I wouldn't even let you walk." He chuckled. He had a similar laugh to me. I used to hate it but have learnt to love it.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask the old man sighed looking down before facing my eyes.

"I'm simply saying I know how you feel. I get it. But you do have to leave him at some point. Let the boy breath. While he is a little he is still a grown man. Stay with him for now, but when he's recovered give him a little space or you will make his seperation anxiety worse." He gave a small smile. "After I wouldn't let you down you would cling to my leg like I was going to leave you. I was the cause of your seperation anxiety when you were a child. I know that and I did what I had to. It hurt like he'll locking you in that room. It was the only way I would get you to be a normal kid." He ruffles my hair and gets up.

"If you ever need help with him." He stops and turns to me at the door frame. "Call for me, I'd be happy to give you a break. And get some sleep." With that he left to his study. I loved my dad I really did. He's done so much for me throughout the years.


"How is he?" Josh walked in the door. He had to go explain everything to his father who had been pushing for him to come back to the pack. Josh didn't seem to want to. At least that's what he would tell me. I knew he missed it there and I was going to talk to him about that later.

"Still asleep." I sigh brushing my thumb across Georges cheek. It was soft anf pale but still had his soft pink undertones. How could anyone hurt this beautiful creature? How could anyone traumatis him? "How was your dad?" I asked turning to Josh. He was taking his coat off along with his shoes. He comes over and sits by me. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck giving him a massive kiss.

"What was that for?" He smiled braking the kiss making our foreheads touch as he rubs our noses together.

"I love you so God damn much. I'm sorry I'm so much of a mess and you are struggling with everything too and I know you were just keeping strong for me. I'm sorry darling. If you want to cry you can." His lip began to quiver. "You've barely cried this entire time and I really think you need to. We found our baby. He's safe with us again and he went through hell you can cry." The tears began to fall and I hug him rubbing his back and giving him words of encouragement.

We sat on the floor next to George just crying for a bit in each other's arms. When we finished Josh went and got a mattress from a free room placing it on the ground after I mentioned that I couldn't leave him. I couldn't let him go again. For any reason.

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