37: being home

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After a few hours Will finally enterd the room with the alpha. They seem pleased with their talk, the alpha sighed a breath of defeat and will looked really proud in himself.

"You ready to go home darling?" He asked. I held my arms up using gripped hands requesting he pick me up. I looked back at Josh who seemed sad.

"Will I get to come back for play dates?" I ask. Putting on puppy eyes. Josh seemed really happy with my request. Daddy gave a little chuckle.

"If that's okay with the alpha?" He turned. I gave the alpha the best puppy
eyes I could.

"Please please please please pleeeeeeeeeaseeee." I begged. "I won't scweam, I won well, I won do no bad, I on wanna wose dosh for eveah." I explain when he didn't respond. "I weally weally wiw be good. I pomis." He let out a sigh of defeat.

"Yes you can come over for a play date every now and then, but I want to be informed of you coming and your daddy has to bring you, no other vampire is allowed in this pack." I smiled widely.

"Thank you thank you thank youuu!!!" I exclaimed getting out of Will's hold and giving the alpha a big hug. He gave an awkward pat to my back and when I broke the hug I only had one more thing ro say to him. "No more huwting vampires for no weason." I demanded.

"He won't. We're in an alliance, wich means we are working together. We are going to stop all the bad vampires who are mean to other species." Daddy picked me up and explained the alliance they had on a rough scale. I'm sure he's going to go into detail when I get into a bigger headspace.

With a small chat and a quick goodbye daddy brought me home. The first thing I did was yell out for Delilah and Jules, of corse they both came sprinting down with their vamp speed and both jumped on me engulfing me in a hug that dropped us all on the ground.

"GEORGIE!" They both screamed I laughed hugging back, Charlie and Rye came down from the stairs at a much slower pace, they both had a soft smile placed on their face.

"You got him back." Charlie states smiling fondly at the scene in front of him the girls both talking at me explaining how much they missed me and everything that's been going on in a way I couldn't understand a single thing. I caught small snippets of what they were saying. There was something about how Will hadn't slept for days, and how nothing has been the same, and something about cookies in there somewhere. It was all hard to understand. Eventually the stopped and sat up.

"What happened to you when you were with the wolves?" Delilah asked crossing her legs her deep brown eyes glowing in anticipation.

"We're they as dangerous as they were back at home" Jules asked also crossing her legs. Referring to her home coven getting burnt to the ground.

"You're hand!" Delilah shouted grabbing my scared hand, it was self inflicted from fighting everyday, but neither of them let me get a word in.

"You're so skinny, did they starve yiu?" Jules asked grabbing myother scared hand.

"You look like you haven't had a proper shower in ages, you stink, did they lock you up?" Delilah Leander forward, I looked up at daddy to help me. He did as such picking me up out of their grasp and explaining that we were going to have a bath. When we made it up the stairs and into out room I let out a sigh.

"You okay bub?" He asked setting me down on the toilet seat when getting into the bathroom. Everything was different now. A different toilet, a different sink, a different shower. I noticed the bed frame was different and it looked like the walls got patched up.

"I'm fine, just feel like I can breath now daddy." I explain. I missed this room and this mansion and everyone in it. Two months away and everything felt different now. "Why everything different?" I ask watching as he started the bath and placing bubbles in it. I was expecting an answer but when he turned around he had tears in his eyes, it pained me to see him so sad.

"I missed you so much Georgie, you have no idea." I got off the toilet and dropped to the floor and gave him a big hug, he snuggled his head into my neck and cried for a little which ended up making me cry as well.

"I missed you too daddy." My voice cracked and I gripped at the back of his shirt giving me full comfort.

"I'm never letting you go, I tried to get you sooner I swear, did didn't let me, he told me to keep a level head, some nights I could hear you scream, did they do anything to you?" He asked pulling me away to look in his eyes, both out eyes were red and puffy.

"No, I was screaming so you could hear me daddy, so you could find me. An my hands are wike dis because I gots angry before and I was punching Joshie, he hard to punch, an dey didn't stawve me, I was trying to get them to take me back by not eating. And I just didn't wanna shower wif dem. Joshua helped me when I had my bucket baths." I explain, answering the girls questions from before so he didn't worry. "Dey were not mean, joshie forced me to eat when dey wearied I wasn't gonna eat. And also got me to sleep when I wefused to." I continue on explaining so he had some comfort, every thing that was wrong with me was on my and not on them.

"I see. Well that will never happen again as long as I am alive my darling baby, you will ever have to do anything like that for the rest of your life. No ones going to take you from me, you will forever be safe with me my love. We will never be apart for that long ever again I promise." He stopped the bath and helped me out of my clothes as he got out of his, he placed some toys in and slipped in behind me helping me wash my back and my hair. I had forgotten how nice his hands in my hair were. I guess that's why I would force Josh to keep putting his hands in my hair. It was calming, I was basically falling asleep as he was doing this.

"I missed you daddy." I whisper leaning back into his chest closing my eyes. Relaxing into his touch.

"I missed you too baby." He kissed yhe top of my head. When the bath was finished I put on his clothes again, the old one going in the bin it was stained beyond belief so daddy chose to throw it out and let me wear new ones. We ended up cuddling on the bed for the rest of the day untill dinner. I missed it here.

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