17: fit of rage

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"Hey daddy can we go outside?" I asked I was getting bored of the inside, don't get me wrong playing with Delilah was fun and all but there's only so many dress ups and tea parties one can take before wanting a change.

"Maybe later baby, Daddy has some work to do." He was completely focused on the paper that was on his desk and his laptop. I gave a disappointed pout that he didn't see.

"Can I play on your phone then?" I never usually used up my screen time most days but Delilah wasn't here, she was at some dentists or something like that and I had no one to play with.

"Yeah buddy here you go." He didn't even spare me a glance. I gave a sad rejected pout before moving to a lounge that was pushed up against the wall and played a couple games he put on his phone for me.

I immediately got bored of it handing it back and sitting on the floor next to him arms crossed pout sticking out of my face in an obvious matter. Daddy hasn't played with me in ages. He didn't even play with me yesterday. I watched as he didn't even give me any attention.

"Georgie? What are you doing on the ground?" Regonald entered the room assumable to present information to daddy.

"Daddies not payin wif me so am waiting." I distract myself with the lint on my pants. Reggie gave a soft smile and daddy wasn't even listening.

"Young master how about you take the day off play with George he seems to be quite patient." Reggie was on my side. He understood.

"I have alot to do Reg." Reggie and I share an identical disappointed look. "Why don't you play with Delilah honey?" He asked not sparing me a glance. I sighed getting off the floor and going to my room locking the door and lying down on my bed. "Fine." I thought. "If he doesn't wanna hang out with me I won't hang out with him either." I felt anger bubble inside of me. I knew it was stupid he was a busy man. I knew that from the begining but I just wanted to feel angry, and I had no intention in fixing my attitude.

I let my anger simmer for a bit before getting up and allowing it to take over before smashing and throwing everything in the room. My bed that had the canopy was no more. Canopy broken and on the floor. Doors to my bathroom slammed open and creating a hole in the wall where the doorknob was. The mirror in said bathroom now smashed and everything that was in the drawers out my hands were bloody from the broken glass. I left the room less angry now.

I heard the door banging with concern. I didn't care. Just because I was less angry didn't mean I wasn't finished being angry. Step by step I made it to my cupboard where I ripped every piece of clothing off of the hanger some hangers breaking and flying in every direction.

"GEORGE?" I heard will muffled yelling on the other side of the door. My teeth grit. I don't even understand why I am so angry right now. I just was and wanted to let it out on something. I didn't answer him but I did hear a louder bang and the door slamming open. Out of no where I got scared and hid under some clothes.

"Georgie?" Will sounded more concerned than angry. He went into tge bathroom first. Noticing the blood and broken glass I could hear his worry increase, fuck I could feel it. I felt guilty. He walked into the wardrobe and looked around picking up some clothes. "Georgie come out." He was soft yet still concerned. "I can hear your heart beat baby, come our please." He was crouched infront of the pile of clothes I was tucked away in. I was on the verge of tears.

"M'sorry." I peeked my head out from the clothes, tears brewing and lip wobbling. "Dunno why I got so angwy." He helped me move the clothes when he suddenly sped off locking the door on the wardrobe. He grabbed a peice of clothing wrapping up my fists and pulled out my feet doing the same.

"What were your rules." He asked. I think he was distracting himself. Blocking his nose when he could. I forgot about the fact that he is a vampire. My eyes widen.

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