12: i can be your daddy

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"So do you like being little? I know it didn't end so well but all in all?" William asks as we get up and start getting ready, I didn't want to be little this morning. I didn't want it to be the same everyday, be probably has things to do. I just look at him with tired eyes.

"Did we really have to get up this early?" I asked a groan exiting the back of my throat.

"Its 7:30. It's not that early." He laughed also looking just as tired. I took the dummy and clip off and placed it on the bedside table. Along with the teddy bear.

"Am I needed today sir?"

"Answer my question George. Did you enjoy being little?" He stopped in front of me looking down, he looked even taller and way more intimidating.

"Umm, i- I don't know. I, uh." I stammered I didn't know what I was going to say. Will got down on his knees now looking up at me looking much less intimidating.

"I would love if you liked being little. You don't have to be. But I have been looking for a little for the longest time. No one has ever wanted to be. In all honesty when you first came into my office with Reggie I thought your only reason was to be my little. I was disappointed when it wasn't. So if you do want to be little, and you want to be my little, I would absolutely love to have you as mine." That made mu heard pound much faster than normal, that last line was something I would kick my feet at. He grabbed my hands holding them in his. Blood rushed to my cheeks so fast I couldn't stop it even if I could.

"Umm. Uh. I did like it. It was fun and it made me feel happy that you were looking after me, but-"

"What 'but' is there to care about then. You can be my little and I can be your caregiver." He smiled reaching up and cuffing my cheek on his hand rubbing ad the blush making it even more red.

"But I don't know, I feel like I would be a burden. Like what if you decide you don't want me to be your little anymore? What if I'm too much? What if you can't handle me?" I ask sinking down onto the floor infront of him, he was inbetween my legs.

"That won't happen." He states brushing my messy bed hair out of my face.

"You can't garentee that." I look into his eyes, eyes that say everything he's thinking. He was seriouse. He really didn't think it any of it was going to happen. He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"If that were to happen, which it won't, I wouldn't kick you out, you'd still live here, be with Delilah, and I would actively look for a new caregiver that would be better for you. But it will never get to that stage, I can handle you my little butler. So, do you want to be my little?" He explained with a soft smile. That's when I realised I had fallen for this guy. I nod my head badly a thought in my mind. That's what he does to me. Looking in his eyes erases every little bit of dought in my mind. Gets rid of every single thought. Numbs my brain. "Good, that means that today we can go over a few things." He smiled wide, I noticed he had the same sharp teeth as Delilah did last night.

"You have sharp teeth." I point out, putting my finger on it. "Same as Delilah." It wasn't accusatory it was simply an observation he closed his mouth at that but kept the smile.

"Because we're big scary vampires." He joked but it didn't feel to much like a joke though, like there was some truth behind it. "And we're going to gobble you up." He began tickling me. I squirmed but there was no way to get out, I was trapped between him and the bed. Both were now my mortal enemy.

"Will stop!!" I screeched laughing attempting to push the much stronger man away from me, failing as I do so. "Okay stop stop please!" He stopped for a few seconds I had tears in my eyes from all the laughter and just as I calmed down he started again. I squeeled and begged for him to stop. "Daddy stop!" I screamed not thing, I didn't even know I slipped, he immediately stopped and my smile dropped. "Sorry... I-I didn't mean to." I slipped out of my headspace as soon as everything stopped and went silent.

"I can be your daddy if you want." He gave another heart warming smile making me let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Really? Would that also mean.." I was hesitant to ask. "We would also be..." I looked down playing the the hem of the jumper. "Boyfriends?" I asked looking up through my eyelids my head staying down. He gave a large smile again and a small laugh at my really red cheeks.

"Do you want us to be boyfriends?" He asked making me eek out loud. I replay the same question back to him because I didn't want to be the decider to this one. Of corse I want to be, I'm blushing over this asking about it. "Yes it would mean we're boyfriends." He confirmed. Caressing my cheeks and looked at my lips.

At that point it hit me, I was slouched with a really hot man inbetween my legs hovering, BENT over me and he wants to kiss me. I had never had a kiss before. This one would be my first, I was screaming on the inside and was beet red on the out. He was slow on leaning in for it making sure I had enough time to push him away if I didn't want it, I did, I did want him to kiss me. It was almost as I time had slowed down. My heart was pounding faster then it ever has before, my eyes were wide with anticipation.

Finally after what felt like a billion years his lips connected with mine, a spark flew through my body making my body flutter with butterflies. It was a soft kiss filled with desire and passion I loved it and I didn't want it to stop. When he parted I went in myself for seconds, selfish I know but I don't care. He treated this one exactly like the first. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to get closer, he pulled me closer with his arms rasing me up so I wasn't slouching anymore and pushed me against the side of the bed, now not a mortal enemy but a blessing. The kiss began to get a little rough and I moaned a little in mouth I covered my mouth with my hand when it happened bur he pushed them away.

"It was cute, do it again." He stated before kissing me again rougher and rougher it got at one point he inserted his tongue into my mouth adventuring every nook and cranny inside.

"Will dads calling for you." Tina entered the room without knocking. "Oh.." she starts when she enteres. "My.."

"Fuck off Tina. Don't finish that." Will side eyes his sister.

"Eternal LIFE!! dads gonna flip when he heards about this." Tina turns around and runs off assuming to go get her father.

"I'll be back my darling, I must go kill a roach." I giggled at his terminology towards his sister and watched as he ran off after her calling her name. I actually decided to get ready brushing my teeth and putting on pants as I did indeed take them off for bed. Will came back after some time and said that we both needed to speak with his dad.

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