33: tantrum

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It's been another month. I'm still holding out for daddy. I haven't moved. But I have been nicer. Eating more, sometimes I leave the tent. I still scream alot. Screaming for him. Other times I'm screaming in my sleep. But none of them know the difference between wanting to be home and my nightmares. They're still not as frequent. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have them for the rest of my life but I have home it will be like a once a year occupancy instead of 2 times a week.

"You up little pup?" Josh sang coming through the leafy curtains. He took one look at me and concerned hit his facial features. "Are you okay pup?" He asked rushing to my side.

"I miss my daddy?" I sniffled and sobbed, I was reminiscing daddy all morning wanting him to come and save me. Josh sighed. "An I'm sick." I pouted, he placed his hand on my forehead feeling me burn up.

"I'll get you some medicine. Do you feel like you're going to throw up?" He asked. I nod, tears sliding down my face.

"I wan daddy." I demanded when he came back with liquid medicine and a bucket. He placed the bucked next to me and got me to sit up while he fed the liquid into my mouth with a syringe, it tasted awful. "Dis tastes wike shit." I complain.

"Watch the language mister. And it's going to make you feel better." He warned grabbing a cloth I didn't realise he had. And placed it on my forehead, it was cold and damp and relieved some of the pressure in my head.

"You not my daddy." I I kick the blanket off feeling hot.

"I know I'm not, but I'm as close to it as you're gonna get. You won't let anyone else near you. So you're going to watch your language." I glare at him.

"Fuck." I say quite loudly. Challenging him. He can't do anything.

"George." He states in a warning tone.

"You won't do nofin." I grab my teddy for reassurance. "Shit."

"George, once more and you are going in time out."

"Nuh uh! Only my daddy can do dat. Not you." He sighed in frustration.

"You're sick, and that is why you're acting out." He calmly states.

"Fuck you." I wait for his reaction, he gets up and leaves the room, I instantly regret what I did. I didn't want to be alone. "NOOO!" I scream for him to come back. I get up and walk over to the door and look out watching for were He goes.

"Where do you think you're going?" My gard for the day asks. "I've had strict rules to make sure you stay in." I glare at him for a second. I watched as Josh was walking around talking to others not even acknowledging me. I turn back in side and kick rocks. I began screaming profanities pushing my bedside table over and flip my bed. Screaming and kicking. 

"Hey hey, calm down." Josh enterd the tent area thing. I was kicking and throwing everything everywhere. It was exactly like before except less things to make me bleed. Josh approached me and grabbed me from behind picking me up like I weighed nothing. I kept screaming and kicking. I couldn't move my arms as they were pined to my sides. "Calm down George." He tried communicating with me, there was no point. I couldn't hear anything I was too focused on screaming. "George I'm back calm down!" He tried again. He let go of me he couldn't handle the constant screaming in his ears. He covered them. But it couldn't have been because I was loud. He can stand an alarm that was built to stop them, or at least slow them down. I stopped screaming to breath.

"I want daddy." I pout slumping down against the flipped bed.

"I wasn't leaving you Georgie, I was simply adhering to my duties as feauture alpha. I was going to be back in a few seconds. I was letting you cool off." He slouched down next to me. He brought his hand to my forehead. "You're sick as hell George, you should be resting, not throwing a tantrum." He added.

"I want daddy." I repeat again. Josh sighs.

"He's not coming. He's never coming. I don't know whatelse to tell you. If he wanted you he would have come by now, were not exactly that far. And if he really loved you he would be here already." He ranted, slightly angry and annoyed. This went straight to my heart and stabed it multiple times with multiple swords.

"Get out!" I tel pushing him towards the entrance. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" I chanted crying. He got up and left the room. The alpha entered a few minuets later. "NOOOO." I let out a high pitched scream. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" My voice box was sore and raw enough from being sick it's even worse now that I've been screaming.

"Child you need to calm down." I got up trying to push him out to no avail, he was a brick wall, I screamed louder and louder for him to leave. He didn't budge. I gave up and dropped to the floor. "Dont you get exhausted? Screaming so much. Doesn't it become old?" He asked crouching to my level.

"Go away." I whisper in defeat. "I want Will." He growled, they hated when I brought him up even though I did it everyday. At the leat 20 times a day.

"He isn't coming, get over it. I really thought you would have been free from being brainwashed, I didn't know it would be this bad." The anger rose and bubbled further up my emotional bottle and it was about to smash.

"IM NOT BRAINWASHED. IVE SAID IT TIME AND TIME AGAIN! I WILLINGLY WENT THERE, I CHOSE IT, I WAS HAPPY!!" I screamed, he wasn't phased. "I was happy. For the first time in my life I actually enjoyed living. I had great friends and an amazing boyfriend and you just chose to come in and take me away from it. I'm not happy here don't you see. Just let me go home." I pleaded falling into a coughing fit right after. The alpha patted and rubbed my back to help but I pushed him away.

"You're here. And you're going to stay here untill you get better, they were vampires not friends, they used you as food."

"I was never bitten though. Not even once." I mention calming down from my coughing fit. I was exhausted I could have fallen asleep on the floor. I knew I couldn't flip the bed anymore so I was contemplating it.

"They must have done it in your sleep then." The alpha was grasping at strings.

"I barely slept, you've seen how I am here. I would have known. Also I've seen the feeding process. It gets messy sometimes. There would have been blood on the pillow and Will hates it when I bleed. He doesn't want the chance of someone losing control." I felt numb. I spoke in a monotone defeated way, I couldn't help but feel nothing at this point.

"Are you sure none of them bit you?" The alpha asked again. Joshua enterd again with more medicine in his hand. He knows I will never take anything in pill form so formally gets the stuff as liquid or smashes is and places it into a drink. It's usually milk in an impossible to open sippy cup.

"I offord for will to drink my blood and he refused. He would go ape shit if someone even touched me, let alone place their teeth on me." There was a long moment of silence.

"We may have been wrong."

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