56: little united

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It's been a few weeks. Daddy and Dada were looking after me very well. Making sure I was eating enough and sleeping enough, making sure I was warm. They had started fro scratch with my anxiety. It was worse than ever. Now it was when they left my sight. I would always think about how they may be never able to find me or if they left forever. In that basement that's all I could think about. Them not finding me and me being lost forever. 

"Hey baby do you want to go play with Delilah and juels?" Daddy asked as I played with dolls in his studdy, dada was reading a book in a chair in the corner right in my view. I gave a whine, not because I didn't want to play with them but because I didn't want daddy and dada to leave while I'm playing.

"Its just been a few weeks and I'm sure they miss you and want to hang out apart from dinner." He said. I look over at dada and he gives me a nod reassuring me.

"They do very much miss you and would like to have a play date~" dada sings. "You can hang out and eat cookies and watch movies even a sleep over if you're up for it. Daddy and I will join of course." Dada explained. I gave a strong nod agreeing. They had me in the cookies.

* * *

Dada got daddy to talk to the others and make the plans. Dada says that daddy has the same thing as me. The seperation anxiety. He's just less severe so Dada's been making him leave and do things while dada keeps me calm. Well as calm as I can be. I try the breathing exercises they taught me. Dada did it with me.

"In one, two, thee, four." He pauses I know that means to hold it for two seconds. "Out seven and eight." We did that a few times as dada rocked me side to side. He had one of his hands in my hair playing with it knowing how that calms me down as well.

Daddy comes back and he was also breathing the same.

"We're good to go, just gotta grab our stuff and we can go to the littles play room. Then we can start the sleep over."

"Are you okay Will?" Dada asked, daddy didn't respond and just walked and sat beside dada leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you." He mumbled hugging me and dada hugged us both.

"We love you too daddy." I gave him a big wet kiss on his right cheek and doing the same to Dada's left cheek.

"C'mon guys we gotta get ready for the sleep over. Are you excited George?" I sit up properly facing the both of them.

"Yes, yes, yes!!!" I bounce up and down chanting excited to see the girls and make up stories together and talk all night long and watch movies and eat cookies. "daddy, dada we need to get weady." I get off the bed running to the cupboard and looking at the clothes, before my nerves kicked in daddy and dada were behind me watching my moves.

I pick out some nice soft casual clothes that I enjoyed the look of. A light green jumper with a small design of a dinosaur on the left hand shoulder and a large print of the animated dinosaur on the back. And some clean trackie pants (sweat pants??) that were a washed blue colour.

Daddy and dada were also dressed. Daddy wore a white tee shirt with some black print along the bottom of it in the looks of smoke going up it and he wore also wore some trackie pants that has a logo down the side of it and dada wore a similar outfit.

"We're all in trackies!!" I squeel happy about us all matching.

"Come on pup, we have a sleep over to get too and you haven't brushed your teeth yet." Dada gently places his hand on top of my head ruffling my hair as he leads me out the door and into the bathroom. Daddy following close behind.

They both helped me brush my teeth and grab everything we needed; teddies, blankies, sippies, dummies, ect.

We head across the hall and Jules and Delilah were already there. Playing with their caregivers and each other with dolls. We entered and I suddenly got really shy.

The girls looked my way and got really excited.

"GEORGIE!! YOURE HERE WE MISSED YOU!" They screamed running up and giving me a large group hug. The shy ness I felt a few seconds ago was gone. Replaced by gratefulness and happiness.

"I missed you guys too." I squeezed them right and we all went off playing with all the toys that had missed me too. We played for hours, I constantly had to check and see if daddy and dada were still there, and everytime I looked they were. They were both talking with Rye and Charlie about big things that little me didn't really care about.

Jules Delilah and I acted like I never left. Like I was always there and we came up with some fun stories and introduced out suffices and played dress ups with our caregivers. They didn't like it very much but played along.

Afterwards we forced them to play tea parties with us. In which Delilah thought it was a good idea to use glitter as our tea without the caregivers not noticing untill it was too late. She poured the glittered tea and when the caregivers saw they were careful and her daddy got up her a little but more asked where all the glitter was. From the last thing that happened Charlie got rid of all the glitter that he could find but Delilah had a hidden stash that she wouldnt tell her daddy where it was and nearly got a punishment for it.

Unfortunately the tea party had to end abruptly the caregivers not wanting to clean the mess. However they made it up by letting us all build a fort. Jules was the best at it. She knew where to put all the corners so that it was really really big like a tent. So all of us could fit. She also made it so we could see the tv in which we watched movies for the rest of the night.

Delilah, Jules and I wanted to stay up the whole night to watch the sun rise and watch as many movies as possible and then Reggie came up with a bunch of lollies and chips and snacks so we thought we could do it. Then our caregivers took it away. Something about us being too hyper.

Currently I was lying on daddies chest with him half asleep and dada caressing my hair.

"Did you have a fun night tonight little pup?" He asked, his hand made it hard to stay awake and his soothing voice made it harder. The girls and Charlie were already asleep and dada was whispering.

"Mmhmm. And you'd stayed the whoooole time it was great." He gave a little smile and gave a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm glad, we can do it again. Sometime soon if you want." Dada whispered again. Daddy ended up falling asleep and turned to face dada with me still firmly in his arms.

Dada let out a chuckle. "He's had a big day too." Dada used his other arm to caress daddy's hair too. "You going to get some sleep little pup?" He asked with a yawn. I shook my head with determination. I wanted to stay up. Once I figured out how to get out of daddy's grip I can wake the girls and watch the sun rise and play more and sneak more lollies.

"We'll be right here when you wake up baby." Daddy mumbled scootching us both closer to dada. So I was sandwiched between them both. I would never be able to get out of this one. Dada started to him a lullaby to me making my eyes droop silently. He gave a kiss to my nose and and kept his fingers rubbing through my hair.

"I love you little pup." I giggle slightly before reciprocating an I love you back and daddy joined in with a mumbled "love you both." After that we all went to sleep soundly in the comfortable blanket fort. I loved my daddies. So so much. And couldn't think of anything else that could make me happier.

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