30: hes not a good man

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I'm Rihanna, I'll be your caregiver untill further notice." She introduces herself.

"I don't need you. I have a daddy, go away!" I grumble as the wolf pushed me to outside, as we were outside I started screaming as loud ad I could hoping Will could hear me. Everyone in the camp ignored me as the world led me to a different tent, it had a soft looking bed, a couple toys in the corner some dummies on a bedside table and a leafy curtain as a door.

"I will be outside, Rihanna will stay with you. I hope your brain washing will leave soon and you realise how bad the vampires really are." He seemed so genuine. He really thought the vampires were so bad.

"Come on little boy, let's get you changed for a nap, you've been through a lot." She walked towards me.

"NO!" I screamed not wanting her near me. "I am staying in Will's clothes, and you will never be changing me even if I change. Leave." She didn't leave she had some clothes that were made for adults that looked like a babies onesie, she also had a nappy in hand. Even when im in a reletivly young age I've never worn one before and I wasn't about to try. "GET OUT!" She still didn't go, she started walking closer to me. "NO! GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE." She wasn't listening. She kept approaching me. I started to cry. The wolf that abducted me walked in telling her to leave and she listened. I cowered in the corner and the wolf walked up to me.

"I'm sorry about her, she was given orders to change you, you can keep those clothes on. Their your daddies aren't they?" I fought the feeling of being little. I didn't want to be little but everything was over whelming. "I'll talk to her, do you want to tell me your boundaries little boy?" He asked sweetly, he was soft spoken and genuinly trying to help me. I didn't trust him though, I'll never trust any one here. "I can't help you unless you tell me. What are you not comfortable with and I'll tell her to not do that and she'll listen to me."

"I change myself." I croak throat sore. "No nappies, I just want yous to leave me alone. I'll stay in here no one enter." I looked up tears in my eyes. I haven't been this far away from Will since I met him. "I just want Will." It was starting to get hard to fight tge headspace. I just wanted the comfort of his hugs and the soft kisses he placed all over my face and how he helped me over all the small things. I miss him.

"I know pup, you can slip." He noticed. "I get you miss your daddy, bur he wasn't a good man." He mentioned. I pushed him away, he fell flat on his ass.

"DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!" I pushed my head into my arms with my knees to my chest crying. "He was amazing, and sweet, and nice, and funny, he loved me and I loved him." I mumbled Rihana entered the room again.

"Lunch is ready. Alpha requests that George comes out and meets everyone." I shook my head, I wasn't leaving this spot, I am staying here untill Will comes back.

"He doesn't want to, tell him I'll bring it to him." She left the room. "You don't have to do anything yoy don't want to."

"I don't want to be here. Let me go home." I press on. I know he's not going to let me. "I wanna be with Will and Delilah and Reggie and Jules and Mrs Chen, and Charlie and Rye. I'd rather be with Sage than be here." My throat felt raw and my words came out wobbly and airy.

"I don't know who those people are but just know this is for your own good." He touches my knee and I attempted to scream, it wasn't a very good scream. Airy and crackey. He let go. "Dont scream, I'll go request for some human medicine for your throat. Someone will still be infront of your door so don't run. I'll be back okay pup?" I didn't respond, I hope he trips on a stick and breaks his nose.

He came back soon after with two plates of mostly meat. I hadn't moved. My knees were still to my chest and I was still cowered in the corner still crying. He placed the plate infront of me, moving to the otherside of the room.

"You have to eat." He mentions after me not even acknowledging the food. He was digging into his plate it looked and smelt nice but I don't trust a single thing they give me.

"Go away." It genuinly hurt to speak now, tears pricked my eyes again.

"You have to eat. And I'm not allowed to leave unless you eat so." He explained. I kicked the plate so it was all now contaminated by dust and dirt and rocks and everything.

"Go. Away." I repeat. Placing my head in my arms I heard footsteps approaching me. He lifted my head by my hair, I airily screamed in pain now looking at him. The wolf stuffed a peice of meat from his plate into my mouth and forced my mouth shut.i fought him, flailing my hands and legs around. I choaked on the meat but he kept my mouth shut, I kept choaking, it felt like I was drowning. Tears streamed down my cheeks coughing, not being able to breath in. I felt helpless. I refused to swallow but I did end up throwing up in his hand it pushing up my nose. He finally removed his hand and all the contense from my stomach and mouth were now on the ground infront of me. I was coughing and still gaging. The big guy from earlier entered the room.

"Not eating?" He asked bluntly.

"Not... hungry." I was out of breath gasping for air inbetween gags. There was some vomit on Will's jumper, it made me break into sobs. I pushed the wolf that forced the meat into my mouth. "Your fault!" I yelled at him, throat on fire. "You did this." I was sobbing and kept pushing him away. I was punching and kicking him but it seemed to have no effect on him. He grabbed my fisted hands to stop me from punching.

"You're only hurting yourself." The wolf calmly stated. I looked at my hands and my knuckls were bleeding. My feet hurt, I gave up. I couldn't do anything. I can never do anything.

"You have to eat eventually." The big guy commented.

"I don't want to. I want Will." I defeatedly said. "Just take me home, I miss him... please. I just want to be with Will." I dropped to the floor when he let my hands go. I looked to my left where the vomit sat a d it made me sick enough to want to vomit again.

"We have to break you put of your brainwash. It seems he really got to you in this one." The big wolf walked in and the wold that abducted me walked away.

"I'm not brainwashed." I repeat for what feels like the thousandth time. I pushed myself away from him when he crouched down to my level. He came closer and grabbed my face. There was nowhere I could run. He looked into my eyes. "Leave me alone!" I attempted to push his hand away. It was impossible.

"You will realise that the vampires are a horrible creature."

"What did they ever do? Because their only ever nice to me. Yous aren't the ones cowering in fear. I don't believe you have alarms set inplace for an invasion. You kidnapped. You think I'm brainwashed. Well I think you're brainwashed. Leave me alone." I decided to stop talking at that point. I heard the wolf that abducted me call the big guy "Alpha" as he left. The wolf that abducted me stayed and finished his plate.

"Do you want me to wash that?" He asked referring to my jumper. "I can get it all out and give it to you. I contemplated his offer and just sat there. He came closer.

"My names Joshua, I realise I didn't introduce myself." Joshua had short hair buzzed on the sides, he had light stubble covering his jaw and half way up his cheeks. His skin was a caramel tan his eyes matched, a smooth light brown. He had light freckles scattered across all of his skin. His face his arms. He is a reletivly attractive guy. However he still look exactly like a man I will never trust a day in my life. When I didn't respond. He backed away.

"I'll get you a new jumper while I clean it, I'll have to clean up the floor anyway. It won't be too much of a hassle." He ensures me. The jumper doesn't smell like Will anymore, it smelt like my insides. I angerly ripped off the jumper and threw it at Joshua.

"I hate you." I state crawling into the bed and facing away from him with the blankets on. I heard him leave and once he did I got up and looked if someone was there.

"Hi little pup." I roll my eyes seeing another wolf and I walk back inside, he seemed nice. But I wish he wasn't there. 

A Trios Love (MxMxM)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora