Chapter One - Freak

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Hi guys! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️
This is my first story. I hope you will like it😘😘


I woke up to the sunlight seeping through the window. I turn to my side and saw my twin sister sleeping.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ava Rosaline John. I have a twin sister named Alexis Iris John. I have heterochromia-one gray eye and one green eye. My sister have both green eyes and blonde hair. She's older than me with one hour. We lost our mom when we were five years old, that was six years ago. Since then our step-dad has been taking care of us.

I can't say he's the best step-dad. When mom was alive we were the perfect family. A perfect mom that cook food for us, that always read us bed time stories, that plays with us, a perfect dad that buy ice-cream for us, that cuddle with us and takes us to the park. But since mom had an accident when she was on her to pick me from my gymnastics class, he changed, he and Alexis blamed me that i was the cause of mom's death.

I didn't believe them at first because I was just five, but I started believing them because if I hadn't gone to my gymnastics class mom wouldn't have come to pick me.

Now he will slap me if I don't cook food for him, but I don't know how to cook. I only know how to cook noodles and pasta and that was because I googled it.

While I was lost in thought, Alexis woke up. She looked at the time and screamed"hurry up we are going to be late for school!" she said while going to the bathroom. That's another thing I don't like school. I don't like school because I am always bullied, and Lexi is friends with the people that bully me, but I don't think she knows that they bully me. Jack is the leader of the group and is the worst out of all of them and he's best friends with Lexi. I honestly don't like all of them, him especially, but what can I do.

"Ava hurry up or am going to leave you" I looked at Lexi and she's already finished getting ready for school and going downstairs, I think for breakfast"I'm coming" I said while going inside the bathroom.

After five minutes of showering and brushing my teeth, I wore a white sweater and a plaid pink skirt with knee high socks.

I went downstairs to see Lexi have already finished eating breakfast "bye Jack have come to pick me up see you at school" she said while going through the door.

I went to the kitchen and saw John my stepdad on the kitchen counter eating pancakes "good morning" I said to John but he ignored me.

I went to the cabinet to see whether we had cereals. After I saw them I picked up lucky charms and put some in a bowl with some milk, I went to the kitchen counter to eat them"are you going to eat all of that cereal, don't you think that's a little too much for you" I looked at John when he said that and looked back at my cereal "I want you to leave this cereal here because you are too fat to eat it. Go and reduce your weight you are just wasting my money" he said while looking at me with his red eyes. He likes to drink a lot with his friends and I don't like it. "But I didn't have anything for dinner yesterday" I murmured to him but I think that was a mistake because he got angry and took long stride to me and strangled me.

"I told you to never speak back to me you murderer!" by this time I was struggling to breathe "I..I..I'm s..sor..ry" I said struggling to talk.

When he saw I was turning red he released me and threw me to the floor. I quickly started gasping for air "get out of my house you bitch!" I quickly put on my white sneakers and grabbed my bag and left.

When I touched my neck I knew that a bruise was already forming because I have pale skin that easily gets bruised.

Alexis have tan skin because she's always out with her friends, but since I don't have friends I'm always stuck in my house and that's why I have pale skin. If I stay under the sun for a long time my skin will turn red.

I have some freckles on my nose and chubby cheeks while Alexis doesn't have chubby cheeks and freckles. My hair is two inches below my butt while Alexis hair stopped mid-back.

By now I've reached my school. My school isn't big but it's not small either. But I don't like it because I don't have any friends.

I enter my school and went to my locker. Alexis and I are in grade five. All her friends/bullies are in our grade too, but Jack is in grade six.

I quickly went to my class before I see Jack and his friends. I went to the front row and sat down. After sometime some students started arriving.

The teacher came Inside when all of the students were seated "I'm going to start calling your names, if you are present raise your hands and say present" the teacher said.

That's another thing I don't like because am normally a shy person so when I raise my hands and say present everyone is going to look at me, I always blush when attention is drawn to me.

"Ava John... Is Ava John in school" I was so lost in thought I didn't hear when the teacher was calling my name and now all the class is staring at me "pr..esent" I stuttered with a blush. I hate it when I easily blush and stutter.

"Look the freak can speak" said one of Jack's friends. The class started laughing. They always call me a freak because of my eyes, but my mom always said my eyes were beautiful, and I believe her.

"Keep quiet class!" the teacher shouted "and Joshua if you say one more word, detention for you"

After twenty minutes in class we heard the speaker from the principals office say "can Alexis and Ava John please come to the principal office" the whole class turn to look at me. I blushed because of the attention and packed my notes and carried my bag before I left to the office.

On my way to the office, I kept thinking why the principal would call us to his office.

When I reached the office I saw the receptionist giving me sympathetic looks. I furrowed my eyebrows and knocked on the door "come in" says a voice from the room.

When I entered I saw Alexis already there. I didn't see her after she left and she was in a hurry so I didn't see the clothes she was wearing. She was wearing black shorts and a white T-shirt tucked into the short with purple sneakers.

"Please sit down Ava" said the principal. I sat down opposite him and close to Lexi.

Little did I know what he will say next will change my life forever.

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