Chapter Twenty - Lunch

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Ava's pov

"You can be their friend if you want" Chloe said immediately my butt touched my seat.

"They look like bullies and I don't like people who bully others" I said playing with my pencil that was on top of my desk. "And I want to be your friend" I added looking at her with a soft smile.

"Why?" She asked looking at me with an incredulous look, like me wanting to be her friend is simply ridiculous.

"Cause you're nice, friendly and pretty" I say shrugging my shoulder. Her face flushed and she quickly diverted her eyes to her desk. "Thank you" she said giving a small smile.

"For what?" I asked tilting my head. "For wanting to be my friend" she said and I stuck my hand out. "So... what do you say, friends?" I asked and she stuck her hand and shook my outstretched hand. "Friends" I grinned at her and grinned back at me before the door was opened and a man came in.

The ones that were either on their desks or were sitting at their friends table quickly went back to their seats.

"Sorry I'm late. I got stuck in traffic" the teacher said while keeping his things on the teacher's table.

"Welcome to a new session!" He started looking at all of us with bright smile on his face. "My name is Mr Garry and I'm going to be your English teacher. I assume you are all familiar with each other by now, so there's no need for introductions. So today we're going to be learning about reading comprehension. So open your textbooks to page thirty-six"

The second and third period went by pretty fast and now it was time for lunch. I put all my notebooks in my bag, stood up from my seat, and together Chloe and I left the room and head to the cafeteria.

The hallway was full with students but they were mostly taller than me, even Chloe is a little bit taller than me, so she had to hold my hand when someone pushed me and made me stumble.

"Thanks" I threw her grateful smiled and she returned it before we continue walking. She started pointing out which room is which.

"That room by your left is the laboratory, the one by your right is the art studio and if you go down this hall and take a right turn, you'll see the girls bathroom at the end of the hall."

She continue to point out other different rooms before we came to a stop in front of two dubble doors. "and this is the cafeteria" she opened the door and we were greeted with noise.

The cafeteria is very big, there were  multiple red rectangular shaped tables and circle shaped stools that were attached to the tables so that you can't remove it. At the back of the cafeteria are two lunch ladies that were serving food.

"The food in the cafeteria is delicious, it's not like those typical foods that you hear are disgusting in books or in other schools. And the food is free too. You don't have to pay, and you get to choose what you want." Chloe said grabbing a tray and I grabbed one too.

'Thank God the food here is free.or I would've died of hunger cause I didn't have any money to buy food' I thought smiling inwardly.

"What would you like to have" one of the lunch ladies said looking bored with a hair net covering her head. "I would like to have a burger with french fries and juice" the lunch lady kept the mentioned items on her tray and Chloe move aside to let me choose.

I didn't have breakfast today so I was really hungry and I was glad I can eat lunch. "Um... I would have a sandwich with french fries and juice" the lunch lady kept my food and juice on my tray and followed Chloe to find a table we can seat on.

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