Chapter Eighteen - New School

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Ava's pov

Today I woke up feeling nervous, 'cause we are starting our new school today.

I woke up at 7:0am but I've wasted five minutes thinking about the what if's.

What if nobody likes me because of my eyes.

What if I don't make any friends.

What if I get lost.

What if I get bullied again.

I shook my head of the thoughts swarming my head and stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took my bath and came out wearing my white fluffy towel. I didn't have time to wash my hair cause we are leaving by 7:30.

I put a good amount of cream on my body and face before I went to my closet where I hanged my uniform.

Lexi, Damien and I went to the school yesterday to collect our uniforms according to our sizes. After that, he took us to the mall to buy school stuff like bags, shoes, socks, books, pens, pencils, etc.

The uniform consist of a white inner shirt, a maroon blazer, a maroon skirt and a maroon bowtie with two strings attached to it with the school logo by the left side of the blazer.

I took my time admiring it before I wore it. The skirt was an inch above my knee and the blazer sleeve was long and it reached my wrist.

I went to my vanity table and brushed my hair and decided to leave it down. I wore my socks, put my shoes, carried my pink and white bag and went downstairs.

I went to the dining and since nobody was there I quickly ate my breakfast which was two pancakes and gulped down a glass of milk.

After eating my breakfast I went to the living room and saw James and Justin looking half dead in their uniforms.

I sat on a chair opposite to them and wait for lexi and dad he's going to take us to school today.

"James" dad called coming into the living room with Lexi and Daniel. James, Justin and I all looked at dad. "Here's your car key" he said throwing the key at James.

James eyes widened and he grinned looking dad "thank you so much" he said excitedly. He stood up and left the room together with Justin and Daniel.

"Have you eaten your breakfast princess" dad asked Lexi "yes dad I had it before wearing my uniform. By the way, how do I look" she twirled around making the skirt sway. "You look beautiful princess" he said collecting her bag and putting it on his shoulder. "I know" she said sassily flipping her hair and Dad laughed shaking his head.

"Let's go, we are getting late" dad said looking at his wrist watch and motioning for me and Lexi to follow him.

We went to the garage and got into the car, Lexi at the front, dad behind the wheels and me at the back.

"Are you going to pick us up" Lexi asked "no. Your brothers will come to pick you up and are going to be taking you to school too" dad explained.

After some minutes we reached the school and dad parked the car. He turned in his sit start talking to Lexi. "Take care ok. Make new friends and don't talk to any boys ok. And if somebody is rude to you what do you do?" Lexi rolled her eyes and dad playfully glared at her. "Walk away" she answered. Dad nodded at her and kissed her forehead.

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