Chapter Twelve - Cold

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I was so caught up in laughing that I didn't notice when someone came behind me and pushed me into the pool.

I fell into the semi cold water with a splash. I tried to open my eyes but the water will get into it.

I started panicking and start to flail my arms and legs to try and stay afloat but I was only kicking the water.

I open my mouth to scream for help but nothing came out, instead I just inhaled the water.

I stopped flailing around and my body went limp in the water. I began to feel lightheaded and on the brink of unconsciousness.

After what felt like hours in the water, I felt arms around me and someone dragging me out of the pool.

Immediately the person set me on the cold floor, I started coughing out water. My chest felt like it was on fire after all the coughing fit I had. I greedily inhale oxygen as much as I could.

I rub my eyes to clear of the water in them before I opened it .I blinked a couple of times to clear the blur in my eyes and saw Andrew hovering over me drenched in water when my eyes cleared. When he saw I was breathing well and my eyes were open he breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and ran his fingers in his wet blond hair.  I'm thinking his the one that saved me from drowning. I thought.

I looked around me and saw all of my brothers and twin sister and cousins - minus Kyle - all looking at me. Some were still in the pool while some were not.

"Why would you push her, you idiot when you knew she couldn't swim" I heard Andrew asked someone. I looked at him to see who he was looking at and saw he was looking at James. So James was the one that pushed me. But why. I thought bewildered.

"I didn't know she couldn't swim" what James said broke me out of my thoughts. He was lying down on one of the chairs with sun glasses perched on his face. He looked like he didn't even care that I almost drowned and was looking nonchalant.

"Why are you acting like you didn't almost drown her. She almost died" Andrew said. He was angry but he was trying to suppress his anger. "But she didn't die now did she" James shrugged and removed his shades and kept it by his side. What he said wasn't a question, it was a statement. The rest of us were just looking at them.

"You are acting like a dick. She's your f***ing sister" Andrew said trying not to lose his cool. James stood up from his chair when Andrew said that. His eyes were murderous and cold. "She's not my f***ing sister" he spat, venom lacing his tone. He looked at me and glared daggers at me. He picked up his glasses and left pool.

"Well that was intense" Archer said. Andrew glared at him before he left too. Everyone slowly went back to what they were doing and the place became noisy.

My eyes filled with tears at James words and I grabbed my dress and quickly left the indoor swimming pool.

My swim suit was wet and I left a trail of water everywhere I go. I was shivering and cold, my teeth were clattering and my eyes were red and tears threatened to spill out of them but I willed myself not to cry and angrily wiped the few that spilled.

On my way to my room, I bumped into Linda. She looked at me and gasped "Oh dear. You are shivering. Come let's get you to your room." She held my hand and led us to my room.

We stepped into my room and she hurriedly went to my closet and brought out warm clothes for me. "Go to the bathroom and remove those wet clothes and have a warm shower. If you are done, wear these warm clothes. I'll ask a maid to prepare some soup for you" she gave me the clothes and I went to the bathroom to put them on.

I removed the wet swim suit and kept it in the laundry basket. I had a very relaxing warm shower and came out of the bathroom. I wore the warm clothes that Linda gave me which was a pair of cotton pajamas and wool socks. I put my wet hair into a high bun and left it to hopefully dry. I didn't have the energy to dry it.

I came out of the bathroom still shivering and cold and went straight to my bed. I climbed my bed and covered myself with my blanket but it wasn't warm enough and I was still shivering.

After what felt like hours, Linda came into my room with a tray in her hand. She kept the tray on my study desk and removed the bowl on the tray and came to my bed. "How are you feeling dear" she asked me with a worried tone. I managed to give her a small smile "I'm f..fee..feeling c..cold" I said stuttering because of my clattering teeth and because I was really cold. "Sorry dear but you will be fine after you have taken some rest okay" she said "here, have some soup" I sat up and supported my back with a pillow against the headboard of my bed. She brought a spoon full of broth soup and started feeding.

After I've finished taking all the soup, she kept the bowl back on the tray. "Do you want anything else. Like a hot cocoa or a herbal tea" she asked me while helping me to lie down on my bed. I shook my head "no th..thank you. But c..can I have a sp..spare b..blanket" I asked her with a smile but I'm sure it looked more like a grimace. "Sure." She said and went to my closet "I think there's a spare blanket in here" I heard her mumbled to herself.

She came back a while later with a thick blanket on her hand and spread them on top of the blanket that was covering me. Immediately she put it, a wave of warmth surround me. "Thank you." I whispered to her starting to feel my eye lids getting heavier by the second. "Your welcome dear" she whispered before I heard the door close. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the darkness.

Sorry I've been MIA lately. I was busy with tests and studying, so I didn't have time to write a chapter.
That was chapter twelve. Hoped you liked it.
You will make my day if you really hit the little star ⭐




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