Chapter Eight - Pneumonia

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We climbed out of the car when we reached home in twenty minutes "leave the bags there the maids are going to bring it inside" Justin said when we were heading to the front door. "How are they going to know which one is mine?" Lexi asked "yours is the one on the right and Ava's on the left" Daniel answered her when the butler opened the door.

"Is mom back?" Daniel asked the butler "I'm afraid she's not yet back sir" the butler said while bowing.

"Let's go to the game room" Lexi said looking excited. They looked at each other before shrugging and saying yes "let's go" Daniel said and they all followed him to the game room while I went upstairs to my room.

When I went to my room, I saw my shopping bags at the corner. I went and checked whether it was mine or not. Fortunately, it was. I removed my clothes from my suitcase and started hanging them first, then my new clothes.

After an hour, I was done arranging my new closet. I went downstairs to the game room and saw Lexi and Daniel playing a game with the gaming console in their hands and James and Justin on the other side of the room sitting on the beanbags and shouting at the TV and throwing popcorn at it.

I went further into the room and sat down close to Lexi, watching the game they were playing.

After a few minutes of Justin and James shouting, Lexi stood up and shouted "yes! yes! yes! I won!" Looking excited and started dancing around the room. I looked at Daniel and saw him smiling at Lexi.

When the boys heard her shouting, they looked at the game first, then at Daniel before looking at Lexi and grinning at her. Justin rushed to her and hugged her while jumping up and down with her in his arms "yes! my baby sister won! I'm so proud of you" James went to them and ruffled her hair while grinning at her.

"She didn't win, she cheated" Daniel grumbled with a scowl on his face. "Awwwn is little Daniel sad 'cause his baby sister won and he lost" James mocked in a baby voice. Justin and Lexi laughed and I giggled.

"Let's watch a movie" Lexi said and dragged Justin to the other side of the room.

"Who's gonna play with me?" Daniel asked when he saw the rest watching a movie on the TV. "Ca..can I with you?" I asked him with a stutter when nobody answered him.

He looked at me first before rolling his eyes and stood up, muttering a "no thanks" and went to the others.

My eyes watered and I quickly stood up and left the room. When I was passing the kitchen, I bumped into someone. "I'm sor..ry" I stuttered out a reply and went to pass the person when he/she put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"What's wrong dear?" I heard a familiar voice asked and I looked up. I saw Linda looking at me with a worried look on her face.

I quickly wiped my tears and forced a smile on my face "nothing, I'm fine" from the look on her face, I knew she didn't believe me but she let it slide.

"Are you hungry?" I released a breath when she changed the topic "no I've already eaten" I told her with a small smile, this one was real. "Well come with me I have something for you" she said while dragging me to the kitchen "for me?" She looked at me with a smile and replied "yes, for you."

We reached the kitchen and she removed something from the fridge "close your eyes and bring your hands forward" I felt something cold touch my hands when I closed my eyes and brought my hands forward "you can open your eyes now" I opened my eyes and saw a tub of ice-cream in my hands "I went to the store to buy some things and I saw an ice cream shop on my way back, so I decided to buy you some" I looked at her with watery eyes "thank you" she went and brought a spoon for me and said "no problem. I bought one for you and your sister, but I didn't know which flavor you liked, so I bought you chocolate flavor and her strawberry flavor. I hope you like it"

I kept the ice cream on the counter and hugged her "I love it, thank you" she released me and said "no problem"

"But I can't take it" she looked at me with a frown on her face "why can't you take it?" I took a deep breath and said "I can't take it because I have p..p..pneumonia" I rocked on my sneakers while fidgeting with my fingers waiting for her to say something.

She put her hand on my cheeks and rubbed it "don't worry, it's not a bad thing to have pneumonia can be very dangerous to your health but you can still take the ice cream, only when it is not frozen" I leaned to her hand and said "but if it's not fr..frozen, it will melt a..and become soup and it won't be t..tasty again" she laughed and I pouted. " It will still be tasty, but not as tasty as before" she said while going to the counter and giving me my ice cream and spoon.

"Remember to let it cool down before you take it, ok?" I nodded my head "ok" I hugged her again and thanked her before I went upstairs to my room.

I put the tub of ice cream on my study table and left it to cool down, then I went to my school bag and removed my story book and stuffed bunny and went to my bed and started reading while cuddling my bunny - Mr Whiskers.

After twenty minutes, I finished reading my book and I kept it inside my bag. I carried my melted ice cream - when I saw it has cooled down and turned into soup - and started taking it.

I became full, so I carried the remaining ice cream and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and kept the ice cream inside the fridge. "Miss your father has requested you to come to the living room" a maid said when I was coming out of the kitchen "ok, um.. can you me the way to the li.. living room please" I asked the maid before she left. She nodded at me and asked me to follow her.

She led me to the living room and left. Dad, Clara, Damien and Dimitri were already there. Dad and Clara were a seating on a couch together and Damien and Dimitri seating on single seats side-by-side on their phones. I sat down opposite them on a two seater seat. After some minutes the others came inside and sat down in a three seater seat with Lexi in-between James and Justin and Daniel sat down beside me.

Dad cleared his throat before he started speaking "your grandparents, uncle's, aunt's and cousins are coming-"he didn't get to finish his sentence when Daniel interrupted him "hell yes!" He shouted and I flinched because of his loud voice and the fact that he's sitting close to me. He quickly stopped talking when dad glared at him.

"As I was saying, they're all coming next week, I need all of you, especially you youngsters to be on your best behavior" he said looking at all of us but mostly Daniel and Justin sternly. "In a month, you are going back to school" James, Justin and Daniel all groaned at this. Dad just ignored them and turned to look at Lexi first then me "Lexi and Ava, you are going to write a test a week before the school resumes. What grade were you in at your previous school?" he aimed the question at Lexi. "We were in grade five" he nodded his head when she answered "if you take the test, you will either be in grade six or five. So make sure to study hard, ok?" We answered with an ok, when he looked at us sternly.

"You're all dismissed" he said with a wave of his hand. We all stood up, when Clara said, "wait! Why don't we all watch a movie as a family" she looked at dad with pleading eyes "fine, let's go to the theater room" dad said and we all followed them to the theater room while I indistinctly heard Lexi saying "omg! You have a theater room" and Daniels laughter.

Hey guys!🙋🏻‍♀️
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasite.
Sorry for the late update 😔😕
That was chapter eight
Hope you liked it

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