Chapter Nine - Shed

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Alexis pov

I woke up to the alarm blaring. Smash. That's the third one this week. I sat up on my bed and stretched my arms while yawning. I ran my fingers in my bed hair trying to remove the knots while looking around my room.

It's been a week since my stepdad –John– died and we've been living with our real dad. We, meaning Ava and I. Over the past week, my brothers, dad, stepmom and I became closer.

I bonded with my brothers through games and watching movies and goofing around. I went to the salon together with my stepmom and we realized that we both love shopping, so we bonded by spending time at the mall and doing girly stuff. I bonded with my dad by spending time with him "I want to get to know my daughter" were his exact words. We played twenty questions and learned a lot about each other. We had a lot in common too. For example, we both hate mangoes, we love strawberry flavored ice cream, we love strawberry flavored smoothie and anything that has strawberry in it. Etcetera etcetera.

I gave up trying to remove the knots from my hair and went into the bathroom. I stripped out of my night clothes and hopped into the shower. I washed my body first before washing my hair with a strawberry scented shampoo.

I came out of the shower and put on a fluffy purple towel both on my body and my wet hair. I went to my walk-in-closet to look for something to wear. My grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins are coming today, so, I have to look pretty. Not that I'm not already pretty, but I have to look presentable in front of them so that they will like me.

I shuffled through my dresses looking for the perfect one. I found the one I was looking for and removed it from the hanger. I put my underwear first, ditching my bra, it's not like I need it. We– Ava and I – don't actually need a bra, but I've always wanted to wear one and I will be embarrassed if I told my brothers to buy me one, that's why I asked Ava first and she shook her head and I asked my brothers to buy it for us when we went shopping.

After putting my underwear, I wore my outfit. A black cami dress and a plaid print frill hem blouse.

I went to my make-up table and sat down on the chair and studied my face.

I look nothing like Ava. While I have green eyes, a strong jawline, high cheek bones, mid-length blonde straight hair, and I'm tall of height 5'0, Ava is small at 4'10, she have mismatched eyes one is gray while the other is green, her hair is caramel and long, it passed her butt and she has bangs that sometimes covers her eyes, she has chubby cheeks and dimples on both cheeks. I always get jealous of her dimples because it's deep, even when she's talking you will notice it. The only thing we have in common is our heart shaped-face and our doe like big eyes.

The more I look at my face the more I see my father and brothers. All of my brothers and I inherited our dad's green eyes, blonde hair and tall heights and strong jawlines. Ava's the only odd one that looks like my mom, except the dimples, my mom only has one dimple on her left cheek.

I started working on my makeup, I put some powder, eyeliner, mascara, a little bit of eyeshadow and some shiny lip gloss. I smacked my lips together to make it spread out on my lips and cleaned the smudge at the corner of my mouth.

I removed the towel on my hair and dried it with a hair dryer. After it was dried, I combed it with my brush and successfully removing the tangles. I ran my fingers through my hair and decided on a half up half down style. After I was done, I went to my shoe rack and removed my black and white air jordans.

I checked the time on my watch and it read 7:32am.

Satisfied with how I looked I went downstairs.

I went to the dining room shocked to see everyone already there.

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