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"It's nothing oppa, just skin allergy, it is normal", Y/N said while scratching the bruise, to make him believe. He just nodded which was obvious that he was suspicious of me.

"Oppa please don't tell this to anyone about the rash they will be worried about it", Y/N said while pleading with him.

" Y/N you know I can't because if I hide something from them, they will be disappointed and angry at me and you haven't seen Jin hyung angry", Hoseok said while taking a glance at her before moving back to the road.

Y/N just sighed and looked out of the window, knowing that arguing wouldn't change his decision. She just prayed silently that nothing will happen.

Time skip

Hoseok and Y/N reached the mansion, Y/N quickly opened the car door and ran inside without waiting for Hoseok.

Hoseok just sighed knowing the reason.

He came out of the car and entered the mansion, everyone's eyes were on him, asking a silent question about Y/N.


Everyone was sitting in the living room, watching the movie, since they didn't have any mission for the next 5 days.

Suddenly the front door slammed open which made us flinch, Namjoon was going to take his gun out but we saw Y/N there.

She quickly took a glance at us and rushed towards the stairs and to her room, we all looked at each other, and before we could say another word, Hoseok came in.

We silently asked questions through our eyes and looks.

"Y/N is suspicious".

He said and quickly walked towards his room to get changed.

After a while, he came back into the living room and without wasting any time Namjoon signaled everyone to join the meeting room.


Everyone joined the meeting room and waited for Hoseok to spill some tea.

"Well when I went to pick her up, I noticed she was limping, which I thought maybe she hurt by accident but when we were riding the car I noticed a bruise on her neck".

Everyone was in deep thought and started to think about the cause of such things.

"But she told me it was an allergy, which I neglected because it looked more like a hickey than an allergy", Hoseok said.

After a long silence, the realization started to dawn on them.

"I knew something like this was going on, she is being sexually assaulted, and she thought we would believe in her lie". Suga said, anger visible on his face, his pale white face started to turn red, both from the lie and the person who assaulted his sister.

"Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung you know what to do, let him know that inferno is waiting for him". Namjoon said with cunningness lingering in his voice.

Both hackers stood up from their seats and went to their hacking system room and started to get through the recordings of her school.

After researching they both came back and showed all the pieces of evidence to their team members.

"Good job hyungs", Taehyung said while still straining his eyes on the monitor watching the video of her being assaulted.

"I think this is the time where we can kill two birds with one stone, which is wiping out the existence of this MF and making Y/N trust and depend on us", listening to Jungkook's words everyone started smiling at the idea.

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