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Next Day

Y/N was gone to school while her brothers were getting ready to have a meeting with Mr. Wang, Jackson's father.

When Yoongi told everyone about what Y/N told him, they didn't waste any time and knew what the plan was.

Mr. Wang was also involved in the underworld black market, not every company is successful without having a small destruction behind it. Mr. Wang very well knew the consequences of messing with the brothers.

Being a business partner with them, needed utmost loyalty which he wouldn't even give to his wife. One wrong step and they will hit your weakest spot.

They kill a culprit until it doesn't have any weakness, or they will destroy the culprit in so many ways it will be like a living corpse.

This is what Mr. Wang was scared of.

The urgent meeting without any prior notice and subject made him shudder, but still, he needed to go to them, he already had a bad feeling when he got the mail at 3 a.m. surely a devil hour.

That night he was barely able to sleep and didn't know that the cause of his destruction would be his son.

Meeting room

All the brothers were sitting on one side, and Mr. Wang and his son were on the other side. Jackson, who was just thinking why did he even come here when he could be at school and doing things to Y/N. A little smirk on his face fantasizing about her.

"We are gonna come straight to the point, our company is not gonna invest in your business," Namjoon said with full authority, not a single bit of guilt or regret on his face.

The smirk that rested on Jackson's face wiped faster than the reader's pocket money.

Mr. Wang's mouth hung open, he started to stutter in his words.

"What? Why? Was there something I didn't accomplish, was there any fault made by me? Then I am sorry I am ready to compensate but not my share please", Mr. Wang started to beg, he was on the verge to drop onto his knees but Namjoon signaled him to be quiet.

"Mr Wang why don't you ask your dear kid, maybe you didn't do anything but Mr Wang Jr. would have done something".

Namjoon said raising his brow and looking more like glared at Jackson, which had nothing but confusion written on his face.

"Well, you might not remember but let me remind you, do you recognize the name Kim Y/N".

"What about her? She is just a classmate how is she related to any of this".

"Then let me tell you she is our sister, our family, and our life, who you fucking dared you to touch with those filthy hands of yours".

"Mr Wang let me give you two choices, either I will take away the investments of your company or you hand over Jackson to us, and we will see what we are gonna do with him, and remember no tricks Mr Wang".

Surprisingly Mr. Wang seemed to be calm and relieved.

" Easy Mr. Kim, I will choose my shares, Jackson is not even my real son, my wife cheated on me, so I would like my investments back".

" Good choice Mr. Wang, I hope we will do well in the future", Namjoon said and stood up shaking hands with him.

While Jackson sat there still thinking about what his father did to him, he knew that his father didn't look at him as his son but didn't know the actual reason, he now regretted leaving his mother for the power. He was shocked at how they were just making a deal about him in front of him, with smiles on their faces.

" Have a good life, son"

Saying this Mr Wang left the room.

"Well guards take Mr. Wang to our special place, we will see you soon, Princess's school is gonna get dismissed in an hour we need to surprise her with this amazing news".

With that the Kim brothers exited the room.

At School

The school bell rang, and students started to leave their classes.

As Lia and Y/N's classes were different, they met in the corridor.

"Well thank God, today that dumbshit Jackson didn't come to school, or else I would have kicked his balls until he would be able to have his next generation", Lia said with a smug smile on her face while walking down the stairs with her hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, sure, I wouldn't even want to be involved in this shit", Y/N said.

" Don't worry this superwoman is gonna protect you till her last breath", Lia said while buffing up her cheat and hitting it with her fist, having a hard determined face.

Y/N just laughed and hit the side of her head and ran away.

" Catch me if you can" Y/N screamed and started running. While Lia chased behind her.

Soon after they both exited the school, but Y/N got surprised to see all her brothers.

"So they're your brothers, right?"

"Yeah, well I am gonna bid you goodbye because I need to see why all of them are here"

" Sure, bye," Lia said and gave her a quick hug then went away while waving a little at her brothers who didn't bother to even give a smile.

"Hi oppa, you all together here?" Y/N said looking at her brothers.

" Oh well princess we got good news for you", Jungkook said while leaning down to match her height.

" What is it," she asked not able to control her smile.

" Well Yoongi hyung told us about yesterday, and there is no need to be ashamed because now that Jackson guy will never bother you", Hoseok said while coming forward with a happy smile.

" Really"

Saying this she jumped on Hoseok who swiftly caught her and kissed her forehead. She got down and gave a hug to each brother and a little kiss on the cheek. She hugged Yoongi a bit longer than her other brothers because now one of her brothers became a safe place, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't love her other brothers.

Yes, now she loves her brothers so much, and now she got to experience how having a brother is an advantage.

" Thank you so much, I promise I will never leave you all".

"Let's go now, we will have food at a restaurant I know". Taehyung said and everyone agreed.

Time skip
At the mansion after eating at a restaurant

Everyone sighed and entered the mansion after filling their stomach until it burst .

All collapsed on the couch of the living room, Y/N giggled a little looking at her brother's state.

" I am gonna go and freshen up now," Y/N said and walked toward her room.


Everyone's demeanor changed after Y/N went up.

"I think tonight we should execute the plan, if it waits longer then Y/N will slowly slip off from our hands". Namjoon said.

" Yeah I think too, Mom and Dad have already given us the order, if we wait any more, we might disappoint them," Jimin said, voicing up a little.

" Speak slow Jimin we don't want her to listen to this" Jin hissed at Jimin.

" Whatever we need to do this before she asks again for the meet-up," Suga said.

" Remember guys if the littlest information leaks about this to her, be ready to lose her"

Well guys HI

Also I changed the description so pls tell me if it is good or not

I know this chapter is boring, but I want you all to comment your guesses that what is gonna happen next.

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