Chapter 18 🐺✨

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A/n: Okay so a few of you have been wondering why and how Yazmin didn't already know Klaus was a vampire since he's an original and everyone knows the originals. Bare in mind this is a fanfiction yes there are characters from the show in the story but it's not going to be same as the show since I'm trying to make my own story line and not steal anything original. So that's why Yazmin didn't know about Klaus being an original. Okay back to the story...

Avani: Hey girl you have work!

Yazmin: Noooo.

Avani: Uh yesss.

Yazmin: I can't go not after what happened yesterday!

Avani: You still haven't told me about what happened.

Yazmin: I wish I could but I can't.

Yazmin buries her head in her pillow and groans.

Avani: Get up sis!

Avani pulls Yazmin by the arm and drags her off the bed creating a loud thud.

Yazmin: Ouch.

Avani: You have work and after work we'll go out!

Yazmin: Going out on a Thursday evening?

Avani: Why not?

Yazmin: I have to get into work tomorrow morning maybe?

Avani: Oh come on! Loosen up a little! Live a little!

Yazmin: Fine.

Avani: Yesss! Meet you at rousseau's!

Yazmin: Okay.

Avani: Come home and dress cute.

Yazmin: Got it.

Hope: Mama! Hi!

Yazmin: Hey beautiful.

Klaus: Yaz.

Yazmin turns around, making eye contact with Klaus who has a sad look in his face.

Yazmin: Yeah?

Klaus: Can we?

Yazmin: No.

Klaus: No?

Yazmin: I know you're a vampire and I don't care but what I do care about is you taking that as an advantage to get your own way with me and I don't like that! I drink vervain so you can't compel me.

Klaus: I'm sorry.

Yazmin: And I forgive you. Never do it again.

Yazmin takes Hope to the kitchen.

Klaus: Do you think you could stay longer tonight?

Yazmin: Why?

Klaus: I have something to do tonight.

Yazmin: I'm sorry I can't I have plans with Avani and you're meant to give me 24 hours notice before making plans for me to do extra hours.

Klaus: Yes of course.

The whole day Klaus and Yazmin didn't speak.

Elijah: Don't you think this is getting a little old brother?

Klaus: What?

Elijah: You and Yazmin not speaking.

Klaus: I don't know what you mean.

Elijah: You both get into a small tiff and ignore each other like little kids.

Klaus: We do not!

Elijah: Yes you do and you only do it to push her away don't you?

Raising Hope - Klaus x OC Where stories live. Discover now