Amusement Park

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Lia and I are staring at each other wondering what the heck is going on. "Um ok well let's get going." Jungwon holds out his hand for me to grab when Heeseung got in front of me towering me once again. "Pretty, can we talk?" I see shock written all over Lia's face and Jungwon glaring at Heeseung from the corner of my eye.

"Sure Hee," before he manages to pull me away I told Wonnie to go ahead and start the car. Once in his room he locked the door and just stared at me with a blank face he wasn't even blinking. "Hee what did you want to talk to me about?" He didn't say anything three minutes went by and he was still staring into my soul without blinking. It was so intense I had to look away, "Seriously Heeseung what's wrong-" "I can't stand him!" I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Heeseung I don't know why you guys don't like each other but please for me can we get along and have a great time at the amusement park." I walked past him and made my way to the car. As soon as I got in I kissed Jungwon on the cheek. "Oh it's going to take a lot more than some crappy kiss on the cheek Aubrey." I flinched because he's never used that tone with me ever.

Heeseung rode with Lia because I had to make it up to Jungwon but after an hour he settled for a two hour cuddle session and I had to kiss him whenever he wanted. We finally made it to the amusement park and Lia was quick to run to the bumper cars line. I could tell that she was dying to ask me something but I guess she didn't want the boys to hear so I sent Jungwon to go get a soda for me and I asked Heeseung to take my purse back to the car.

As soon as they walked away she was practically yelling in my ear, "Girl did you see the way they were looking at each other. They most definitely wanted to kill each other especially Jungwon because the look on his face was so scary. Also since when did you start calling him Hee and the look on Jungwon's face when he heard you call Heeseung that was priceless." I had to process everything that she just said because she spoke way too fast.

"Ok first of all yes I did see them looking at each other with murder in their eyes. Secondly, Hee has been giving me nicknames so I gave him one. I didn't see the look on Won's face but considering the fact that it literally took me an hour to get him to forgive me I can honestly say that it was pretty bad." "I just wish I knew what they were fighting over." I nodded in agreement.

Heeseung's Pov
When my beautiful girl handed me her purse to take to the car Jungwon purposely bumped into me causing me to almost fall. I chuckled darkly and looked at Aubrey's purse in my hands then an idea popped into my head. I made sure no one was looking before digging into her purse for her phone. I quickly looked around for Jungwon once I found him I noticed that he was talking to a girl. Jackpot! I started taking a bunch of pictures on my phone. On my way to the car I started laughing about my plan.

Aubrey's Pov
I don't know where the guys went but we refused to wait on them Lia and I have already been on five rides and we were saving the roller coaster for last. We were in the line for the roller coaster when Jungwon and Heeseung were walking towards us. "Where were you guys we've been on like five rides and we actually want to go home but Jungwon where's my drink you've literally been gone for a long time and you have no drink?" I look over Heeseung to start scolding him, "You too mister where have you been it's does not take that long to put a purse in a car."

"Sorry pretty we actually parked farther than I expected but I did go into a haunted house so that's probably what took me so long." Jungwon grabbed Heeseung by the collar, "Stop calling my girl pretty yes she's pretty absolutely beautiful but you don't need to tell her that because that's my job. I'm sorry babe and Lia I know you girls want to get on the roller coaster but I want to leave." Jungwon put me on his back and started walking away before Lia could protest.

Lia looked at Heeseung and poked his chest, "I know why you're acting like this and let me just tell you that she's taken so back off. Lia started walking away as Heeseung stared after her. "Looks like I'm going to have to kill her too because she's doesn't know what she's talking about and plus she'll get in my beautiful girls' head and that's not going to happen.

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