Why Do You Hate My Son?

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Hyungseok's Pov
As I was sitting there listening to Aubrey, it occurred to me that I too, have noticed Jungwon and Olivia being rude to my son. I mean Jungwon literally said to my face that he's a psycho who killed Malia. I know my son and he would never do that, Heeseung is a good boy. I would know because I raised him and taught him to be a well behaved responsible and respectful gentleman. So I was angry at Jungwon, but what angers me the most is my fiance treating him like that.

Olivia never ever judges a soul, so why is she acting like that with my boy. I decided to wait until Aubrey is finished to finally talk to them. After my son and Aubrey left I got and stood in the same spot Aubrey was just standing. "I also want to get something off my chest. The last time I saw you, Jungwon you offended me badly. How could you think that my son would do something like that? What made you think that? Are you upset that he's dating your ex. Is that what this is all about?"

"If it is then it's stupid, it's her decision and if Heeseung is who she wants to be with, then be happy for her. Don't make up lies about my son so that you can get her back, it doesn't work like that. You can still be in her life but if you keep doing what you're doing, she's going to cut you off and then you'll regret it. Now, Olivia. I don't even know where to start. I thought you didn't judge people, but you're judging my boy. Why? I heard the way you spoke to him and I'm really disappointed in you. I'm on Aubrey's side, how dare you guys. What did my boy do to y'all? Why do you hate my son?"

Aubrey's Pov
We left the house and I immediately hugged Heeseung. I couldn't stand to look at my mom or Jungwon for another second. They pissed me off. I went up on my tiptoes to kiss Heeseung. "I'm so sorry Hee, I honestly don't know why they are acting like this towards you. Hopefully, they'll realize what a great person you are and then they can finally come around." He kisses my forehead and starts walking me to his car. "I'm fine pretty, don't worry about me. I don't really care to be honest."

That makes me so sad. The fact that he's got so used to being mistreated that he doesn't care anymore is heartbreaking. We got into the car but I was too busy, thinking about the situation that I didn't realize that, we were at Starbucks. We parked and he reached over to grabbed my face. "Cheer up my love." "Ok, but promise me you'll talk to them. Please Hee." He sighs and looks at the menu since we're next in line. "I'll talk to them, pretty." I smiled and for the first time since I've been in the car, I relaxed.

I didn't have to tell Heeseung what I wanted, because he already knew, but when he was ordering I got a text from my mom.

Come home

I read the text but I didn't reply, I was still pissed at her and Jungwon. Speaking of the devil, Jungwon called me. I immediately declined the call. Heeseung hands me my drink and cake pop. "Who was it?" "My mom. She wants me to come back home and Jungwon called me." I took a bite of my cake pop before replying back with a 'k' and turning my phone off. We didn't want to go home just yet so I told Heeseung to take the long way back.

Hyungseok's Pov
I went outside to clear my head while I was waiting for Heeseung and Aubrey to come back. I saw them pull up and I stood up and walked towards them. "Hey, Aubrey sweetie can you give us a minute?" She smiles at me. "Of course, Hee I'll be in your room." "Ok my love." I grinned at the two, because they were adorable. I watched Aubrey as she made it in the house safely, before turning back to Seung. "Dad, are you ok?"

"I should be asking you that son. I had no idea that they were treating you like that or that they would think of you like that. Son, I'm so sorry. I've been so busy with work that I failed you." He pats my back and shakes his head. "You did not fail me Dad. You never did, you are an amazing father. I'm the one that's sorry. I acted like a total jerk when you told me about this. I even ignored you and I feel bad."

"It's ok, but it's not about that. It's about Olivia and Jungwon thinking that you killed Malia. Why would they think that?" "I don't know Dad, I was shocked when they accused me of such a thing." I scratched my head in confusion and looked at him. "Promise me that you'll talk to them, just to get to the bottom of this." "Dad I promise I'll talk to them." I hugged him and kissed his head before going inside.

Heeseung's Pov
"I'll talk to them Dad," I yelled and he gave me a thumbs up. Yes I'll talk to them and by talk I mean kill.

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