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Aubrey's Pov
It's been five months since Heeseung went to prison. A part of me is happy that he's gone but the other part of me misses him. I know I shouldn't miss him, and I actually hate myself for missing him, but for some odd reason I just do. There's no explanation to give, I just miss him. Although, I had a feeling that something was going to happen. A bad feeling and it was coming soon. Aside from that, these five months were actually good to me. I finally got a job and it pays really well. My boss is so cool and I met this guy named Sim Jaeyun and he's literally the sweetest.

I was waiting for Jungwon to pick me up from work, while I was talking to Jaeyun. "Jaeyun?" "Call me Jake." "Ok, Jake are you coming to my house tomorrow night for game night. My mom keeps bugging me to ask you. I think she loves you more than Jungwon, and that's saying a lot considering the fact that Wonnie is her favorite." He starts giggling and I smile.

"Yes, I'll be there but I'm babysitting Riki so do you mind if he comes?" "Of course not, he's welcome anytime and I text my mom and tell her that's there's another person coming." Yes, Nishimura Riki. Jake's adopted little brother, but that doesn't matter because their bond is so strong. I see Jungwon pulling up and I hugged Jake and he opened the door for me. "Hey Jake," Jungwon said completely ignoring me. "Hey Jungwon, bro make sure she's gets home safely." I blushed at his words which he noticed.

"Don't worry, I got her." We waved bye to Jake and Jungwon sped down the road. He was quieter than usual and it worried me. "Wonnie, are you okay?" He nods but he didn't look at me. We stopped at a red light and I noticed him tapping the steering wheel, something he only does when he's hiding something. "Jungwon what's wrong? Tell me now." He opened his mouth but the light turned green and I was expecting him to continue, but he didn't. He pulled over on the side of the road and he finally looked at me.

"Aubrey, what I'm about to tell you is very serious, I won't ask you not to freak out, because I know you are. Heeseung escaped from prison today. I heard it on the way to pick you up. He escaped an hour ago to be exact." That feeling. That feeling that I had, it was this. It was him. He was coming back for me and I knew it. I could feel it. Lee Heeseung escaped prison to come back for me. Jungwon's voice brought me back to reality. "Aubrey, say something."

We sat there for fourty minutes straight, yet I still didn't say a word. "Aubrey, please say something." I didn't know that I was crying until he wiped away the tears. "What do I say, Jungwon? That I'm scared, because I'm terrified. I'm terrified that he might hurt me or that he might hurt you or my mom. Jungwon I felt it. I felt that something bad was coming and it was him all along. I hate myself for ignoring it and I also hate myself for still missing him. I know I shouldn't miss him because he's a horrible person and he killed Lia, but some small stupid part of me, still misses him."

"Aubrey, it's okay. I know you still miss him, even though you didn't say it, I knew. Don't beat yourself up about it, because it's normal that you would still have feelings for him. Also, he won't hurt you. We'll protect you. Me, your mom, Hyungseok, Jake and Riki, and he's just a kid. Don't worry, Heeseung's smart enough to realize that it'll be a mistake if he comes back." I nodded and smiled, pretending that I believe Jungwon, but deep down I know that he's coming for me.

The second I walk into my house, I tell my mom and Hyungseok everything. "Yeah, Jungwon called us and told us, but don't worry sweetie. I'll protect you because I'm still very much pissed and if he dares to show up here. I'll kill him." I knew she was serious but it still didn't help. He's out there and he's coming for me. I went to my room and as I was picking out my pajamas I heard my phone ding.

Pretty, did you miss me?

I screenshot it and send it to Jake and Jungwon. I ran downstairs to show my mom and Hyungseok. "Mama, Dad, he texted me." My Dad grabbed my phone and he said he'll handle it.

Son, it's your father. Just know that after everything I still love you. You're my son! Of course I love you. Listen to me, you have to stop this. You have to stop! We can get you some help and we can talk about this, but this needs to stop son.

Hi Dad. Yes I love you too, but Aubrey is MINE. She belongs to me and I will have her again, please don't try to stop me. I don't need help all I need is Aubrey.

He gave me my phone back and sighed in defeat. I read the text over and over and the hatred that I felt for myself for liking what he said is getting bigger and bigger. 'NO, Aubrey he's a murderer. He killed your best friend. He manipulated you. He turned you against your family.' I wanted those things engraved in my mind, so I could get over him. I needed to get over him, I wanted to get over him.

Jake and Jungwon offered to stay over just in case to which I agreed. All three of us, were in my room and they were trying to cheer me up. "Guys, I have to pick up Riki from practice but we'll come back. Riki is blowing up my phone asking about you." "Tell him I'm fine Jakey, and I can't wait to see him." Jake left and Jungwon went to the bathroom. I was about to go get a snack when I got a text. I let out a sigh of relief when it's Riki and not Heeseung.

Mr Tall Guy😂🌟🙄:
Hey, are you ok? I literally had to leave practice early but I couldn't dance I was so worried about you.

I'm fine RiRi you don't have to worry your shortstuff is okay bigfoot.

Mr Tall Guy😂🌟🙄:

Jungwon came back from the bathroom and he was looking at me weirdly. "What's wrong Won?" "Are you strong enough?" "What are you talking about?" "If you were in front of Heeseung right now do you think you would be strong enough to reject him or would you give in?" "That's actually something that I've been thinking about and I honestly don't know. My head is telling me to reject him and send him back to prison but my heart wants him. I know I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid Aubrey, you still love him." I sigh in frustration and I throw my phone. "That's the thing Jungwon! I don't want to love him!! He killed Malia!! She was my rock! She did everything for me! She would beat the crap out of me if she were here, if she knew that I still had feelings for him." "No she wouldn't, she would understand. Remember her ex boyfriend, what was his name?" "Sunghoon." "Sunghoon! Yes it took her four years to leave him, after you begged some many times." "Wonnie, he didn't kill anyone." "Yeah, but he did cheat multiple times and abused her." "You're right, but I want to be strong for her so if I see Lee Heeseung, I'm going to kill him."

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