It's My Turn

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Heeseung's Pov
I'm so happy that she gave me another chance. I don't deserve it but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. The ramen finished and I heard the shower cutting off. I grabbed the bowls and started filling them up.

Aubrey's Pov
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I've already came up with a few ideas of how I'm going to escape but I need him to trust me so that he'll never see it coming. 'God, why didn't I just listen to Wonnie.' I think back to all the times Jungwon told me and warned me about Heeseung, yet I didn't listen. "I'm so stupid." Literally. How could I be so stupid, but it's okay because I have a plan. This plan will not fail. "It's my turn to manipulate him! It's my turn to play him like a fool and then I can escape!" I covered my mouth once I realize I was being too loud, I didn't want Heeseung to hear me.
I dried off and got dressed, as soon as I opened the door I smelled the food. My stomach growled and I rushed to put my dirty clothes away so that I could eat.

I bumped into Heeseung on my way out of the bathroom, and I found it strange that he was just standing there but I didn't care. "I can take your dirty clothes for you, and you can go and eat." I nodded and gave him a small smile. It was going to be hard acting like I still loved him, but I had to so he would believe me and I can escape. I watched him walk away and then it occurred to me. Where am I? Obviously I'm in a house but what house? Who's house? Before I could think about more my stomach growled again, so i figured I'll find out about this house after I eat.

Heeseung's Pov
I was going to tell Aubrey that the food was ready, when I overheard her saying that she's going to manipulate me and escape. My heart broke but I had to play it cool, when she opened the door. I told her that I'll take the dirty clothes while she goes ahead and eat. I'm in the laundry room, refusing to believe that I actually heard her say that. 'It's my turn to manipulate him! It's my turn to play him like a fool and then I can escape.' I kept repeating it over and over again in my mind and I knew what I had to do. 'Pretty, I hate to do this to you, but you belong to me and you aren't going anywhere.'

Olivia's Pov
I'm pacing back and forth, about to lose my mind because my daughter has been kidnapped. "Babe, calm down we'll find her," I turned around to glared at Hyungseok. "That psychopath has my daughter and you want me to calm down!" A look of hurt flashes on his face before he walked away, and I ran after him. "Babe I'm sorry, I know he's your son and I tend to forget that. I'm sorry." He nods, "I know this is hard for you because of what happened to Aubrey but this is also hard for me too, I mean I just found out that my son is a criminal." I pulled him in for a hug, "I know baby I know, I'm so sorry. After we find Aubrey, we'll make sure that Heeseung gets the help that he needs."

Jungwon's Pov
I heard everything and I tried not to scoff when Olivia said that Heeseung needed 'help.' He needs a lot more than that, he needs to be in a asylum. This is all my fault! I should've tried harder to keep Aubrey away from him. I should've called the police a long time ago. I should've stayed awake to watch her. I should've taken her offer to sleep with her so I could've held her. Maybe then she would be here right now and not with him. I just feel like I could've did more, I should've did more. This is all my fault! Before I could stop myself, I let out a huge painful scream. I fall to my knees, punching the ground and yelling until my lungs hurt. Riki and Jake rushed over to me, while Jake was hugging me, Riki grabbed my hands so I could stopped my assault on the floor.

I hear heavy footsteps on the stairs, Olivia and Hyungseok were rushing down to see what was happening. "Jungwon, what's wrong? Are you okay?" It was Olivia's voice, she sounded so worried. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, knowing that it's my fault that Aubrey was kidnapped. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating it because I was truly sorry for everything. Olivia grabbed my face and forced me to look at her. "Jungwon, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault. I don't blame you nor do I hate you. I love you, you are apart of this family. You belong with Aubrey and she belongs with you. We'll get her back."

Aubrey's Pov
As soon as I started eating, Heeseung joined me and he was awfully quiet. I figured it was because he still had doubts about me forgiving him. It was time for me to put my acting skills to the test. I grabbed his face and stroked his cheeks. "Relax, Hee I already forgave you. I missed you so much." I pecked his lips and smiled at him. He smiled but it didn't really match his eyes, but I just chose to ignore it. "Hey, where are we?" "In my apartment." "If you have an apartment, then why are you staying with us? Not that I don't want you to stay with us " "I brought this apartment because I wanted to be on my own but I didn't want to be away from you, so I chose to stay with you." I hummed and continued eating my ramen.

"Pretty, I think it's time you learned how to drive. You've been saying for the longest, that you wanted to drive but you didn't know how, so I'll teach you." Even though I hated him, for killing my best friend and being a psychopath. I really did wanted to know how to drive, so I'm going to take him up on his offer.

Heeseung's Pov
We've been out here for twenty minutes and she's already got the hang of it. I'm proud of her, but I still have to do what I'm planning. After telling her what to do for the third time, she was ready to get behind the wheel. She was amazing. I could tell that she was having fun and so was I, but I have to do what I have to do. "Hee, I really have to go to the bathroom but I still want to continue, it won't take long." "Ok, the car needs oil anyways so I'll be doing that while you're in the bathroom." We pulled into the driveway and I gave her the key to unlock the door and she rushes in.

I sat there for a moment, and prayed. "Please  be strong enough to survive this. I need you, pretty. It breaks my heart that I'm doing this to you, but you're trying to leave me and I can't let that happen. You belong with me, you're mine Aubrey." After a few deep breaths, I get out of the car and grabbed my tool box from the trunk. I opened the hood of the car and proceeded to cut the brake line and destroy some other things. Once I'm done tempering with the car, I put my tool box back in the trunk, just as Aubrey was coming out of the house. She locks the door and runs over to me.

I grabbed her waist and kissed her forehead. "Hey, I have an idea. Since, you are so good at driving already, I want you to drive around the block, but I won't be in the car with you. I'll stand right here and wait for you to come back to me." She looks hesitant, "Do you really think I can do it?" I squeezed her waist as a sign of reassurance, "Of course you can, my pretty girl." She smiles and nods. "Ok, I can do it." "That's my girl." She was about to walk around me, but I stopped her and kissed her deeply. 'I really need you, to survive this. Please please survive this.' I said that over and over in my head. She pulled away and blushed like crazy.

Aubrey's Pov
I got into the car, giving myself a pep talk. "I can do this. Just do everything Heeseung taught you. I got this." I look at Heeseung through the rearview mirror and he gave me a thumbs up. I take a deep breath and I started the car. I pulled out of the driveway and everything was going good. I was driving for five minutes and everything was still going good, until the car started swerving and it felt like I had no control over the car at all. I tried to stop by hitting the brakes, but they didn't work. I heard a honk and I look up to see a car coming directly towards me and I tried so hard to turn, but it was no use. The car hit me so hard, and my car flipped over.

"Aubrey!" That's the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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