Pay Attention!

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Aubrey's Pov
I was waiting for Heeseung to come back from the bathroom so that we could cuddle, when I got a text from Jungwon.

Pay Attention!


He didn't reply and it honestly frustrated me, because how was he going to text me but leave me on read. I turned my phone off just as Heeseung walked in the room. "Ready for bed?" "Yep," I turned around to the window and the guilt came back. I closed my eyes and all I saw was a teary eyed Jungwon and my heart broke again. I sat up quickly scaring Heeseung. "Pretty, what's wrong?" I grabbed my phone and I told Heeseung that I'll be back.

I went to the bathroom far away from Heeseung's room, so he couldn't hear. "Please pick up Wonnie." After the fourth ring, he picked up. "What?" the tone that I hated. He used it when he was mad. I was screwed because a mad Jungwon is scary. "Wonnie, I'm sorry." He scoffs and hangs up. I knew he was mad but I needed to apologize. I kept calling and calling and if I knew Jungwon, which I did he would answer after you called him three times.

I smiled once he picked up after the third time, "What do you want Aubrey?" I heard my heart shatter before I felt it. He never calls me Aubrey. "Wonnie, I'm sorry please forgive me." He sighs, "I will once you pay attention." There was a knock on the door, "Pretty, are you ok?" I mute my phone, "Yes I'm ok, Hee." I unmuted the phone after he walked away. "Won, what do you mean by that?" "Just pay attention, Aubrey"

He hung up again, and I gave up calling him back. I opened the door and I yelped. Heeseung was standing there holding an apple. "Who were you talking to?" "Wonnie." He threw the apple up and down, never breaking eye contact. "Why were you talking to him? No, the better question is why did you have to leave me and go far away in order to talk to him?" He didn't sound like he was angry but he wasn't too happy either.

"I wanted to apologize, because I felt bad for what happened. I was trying to get to sleep but I saw his sad face in my mind and it broke me, so I called him to apologize. I know you can't stand him and I thought I was doing the right thing, but now that I think about it I wasn't, I'm sorry." He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my head. "It's ok, I'm not mad but I am tired so let's go to sleep please." As soon as he said that, my sleepiness came in and my eyes became heavy. We went back to his room and the minute our heads hit the pillow we were out like a light.

Hyungseok's Pov
I was getting ready for bed and I heard Olivia come in. I continued with my night routine totally ignoring her presence. "I know you're pissed but hear me out. I know that it might sound like Jungwon and I are terrible people, but there's a reason why we're acting like this." I smirked even though I knew she couldn't see me. "Oh, so there's a reason why you guys think that my son is a murderer. Oh do explain please. I would love to hear it."

She sighs once she hears the sarcasm but I was serious. "I would love to explain but you have to find out on your own." For the first time since she's been in the room, I looked at her. "What did you mean? How do I do that?" She comes closer and grabs my face. "In order to find out everything you need to pay attention to your son." I removed her hands, "Olivia, this is not Dora The Explorer and you are not the Grumpy Old Troll so stop talking in riddles, and tell me what you mean."

She laughs and I'll admit I did miss the sound but I was mad at her. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you because it's hard to explain. So, you're going to have to figure it out yourself. You and Aubrey." Aubrey. I think back to how upset she was at Jungwon and Olivia, she must really love Heeseung. I smile, thinking about how cute those two are, but apparently there is a reason for Jungwon and Olivia's behavior so like she said. I have to pay attention.

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