Rest In Peace

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Pain. That's all I felt from the morning I woke up to right now staring at the paper with my speech on it. Lia I miss you so much and I swear I'm going to find your killer, and they are going to regret taking you away from me. I have never cried so hard in my life, I genuinely felt like I was going to flood the whole church with my tears. Heeseung held me the entire time he even walked me up to the front and stayed with me during my speech.

"Lia was the greatest friend that I could ever ask for. She always had my back even if I was in the wrong she still defended me. I remember the very first day that we met and we were total strangers but she did not hesitate to take my side even though she didn't know what happened. Even after the situation was settled she still stayed by me to make sure that I was fine, that was when I knew that I needed her in my life. Lia was one of those people she always had your back no matter what, she loved you so much, and she would make you laugh. I cannot express enough how much this hurts me and how I will never be able to feel whole again, because she was a enormous part of me and I honestly refuse to believe that I have to live without her. Rest In Peace my love, my ride or die Malia I love you so much."

Before going back to my seat Lia's mom stops me to hug me. She was so proud of me because she knew that I had it in me when I didn't believe that I did. Jungwon was saying his speech and the whole time I found it hard to look at him. I've been avoiding him for the past two weeks because before I went to sleep I heard what he said about Heeseung. As soon as Jungwon took his seat it was time for Malia's mother to say something.

"It's been two weeks and I still cannot believe that my little girl is gone. I've spent some much time thinking 'how could this have happened', 'why did it happen' I was so confused, but then I came to the conclusion that the person who did this is a sick and twisted individual. Nobody deserves that nobody at all but that fact that is was my daughter that's a different story. My baby girl I miss you so much and I would go above and behind to find out who did this to you."

It was a long speech but I could feel the determination by the words. One thing that I couldn't ignore was the way Jungwon stared at Heeseung it was very uneasy and it honestly scared me. Heeseung on the other hand was unfazed by it, and I remember asking myself why is Heeseung still calm about this since he was kind of close with Lia. I finally come to the terms that he had his own way of dealing with it so I brushed it off. Although Jungwon's glared was forever engraved in my brain and I wanted to find out why did he look at Heeseung with such disgust and anger. Always, why did they fight?

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