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Heeseung's Pov
I hung up on Yang, and I was picking on my jacket when Aubrey's phone dinged. It was from Jungwon. I chuckled when I saw what he sent her. "It sucks that she won't see this. Nice try, Jungwon." I deleted the message and I blocked Jungwon again from her phone, I don't even know why she unblocked him in the first place. 'No one and I mean no one will ever take Aubrey from me. She's mine!"

I grabbed my jacket and rushed down the stairs, because I know that my angel was impatient. I hopped in the car and kissed my girl. "I loved what you said to Wonnie. It's true, I can't be apart from you." "Trust me I know, and I can't be apart from you either." "Hee, where are we going?" "To the mall, my love." I was pulling out of the driveway and I saw my dad looking out the window. He was staring at me with this look. Disappointment and disgust. I brushed it off, thinking maybe I was seeing things.

Jungwon's Pov
I checked my phone to see if Aubrey replied to my text, but when I saw that I was blocked, I knew that Heeseung did it."Dang! He still had her phone." I looked out my window to see Heeseung pulling out of the driveway and Aubrey was in the passenger seat. I got dressed and I grabbed my keys, and headed out the door. I sighed in relief when I saw them at the stop sign down the street. I rushed to my car so I wouldn't lose him. An idea popped into my head and I chuckled.

Aubrey's Pov
"Hey Hee, what did you say to Won when I left the room?" He grabbed my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Nothing you need to worry about, my pretty angel girl." I blushed and lifted his hand to kiss it. "My love, don't do that, or I will pull this car over." I blushed harder and looked away. I saw a car following us, it looked familiar. It was Jungwon's car but why was he following us.
We turned left and the car turned right, I guess it wasn't Won.

Jungwon's Pov
I could see Aubrey looking hard at my car and I didn't want to ruin everything so I decided to take another way. It was obvious where they were going so I didn't have to worry about losing them. I pulled into the mall parking lot and I called the police. "911, what's your emergency?" "Hi, I have a recording of someone admitting to killing someone." I heard ruffling on the other end and I assume that they were looking for a pen and paper. "Can you play the recording, sir?" "Of course."

Heeseung's Pov
Once we were in the parking lot of the mall, I struggled to find a park, because this place was packed. After ten minutes I finally found a park. "What are we here for Hee?" "I just wanted to spoil you so I brought you here to buy anything you want." Her eyes widened and I melted. I swear she is so precious. "Heeseung! You don't have to do this." I shrugged while unbuckling my seatbelt. "I wanted to, my love. Don't worry about anything. If you see something you like, don't hesitate to ask for it." She kissed my cheek and got out of the car.

I couldn't help but think about my Dad, and how he looked so disappointed in me. I started thinking about what I did this morning and last night that could've possibly pissed him off. Dang it, I forgot to take out the trash, but I forgot before and he never looked at me like that before. Aubrey pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hee baby, are you okay?" The way she looks up at me with those doe eyes is so cute to me. "I'm good, babe now let's go."

As soon as we were inside Aubrey squeal when she saw Bath And Body Works. I just shook my head and laughed when she literally dragged me to the store. I had a feeling that we were being followed. I turned around to see Jungwon approaching us, so I stopped Aubrey just before she entered the shop. "Hey my love, you go look around and buy whatever you want, here's my card. Go crazy." "Thank you so much, Hee." She pecked my lips but I had other plans.

I turned her around slightly so I could make eye contact with Jungwon while I kissed her. I smirk when I see him glare at me. Aubrey pulled away and ran into the store. 'Cute,' I said in my head. I repeat a mantra in my head to calm down and not kill him right there. "What do you want? Did you not hear me this morning?" I said when he was close enough. He stopped in front of me but he was staring at Aubrey. I started to get annoyed.

"Yang, what the heck do you want?" I finally looked at me and his eyes were full of disgust. "I want you to leave my girl alone. I also want you to burn alive for what you did to Malia." "First of all, she's my girl and second, Malia never would've died if she didn't get in the way of Aubrey and I." He grabbed my collar and raised his voice. "She's not your girl, get that through your sick twisted brain! Also, Malia had every right to do what she did and may her soul rest in peace. You are evil and you will get what's coming for you."

I yanked his hand off me and pushed him. "She is my girl! I own her! She's mine and no matter what you say or do, it won't work. She will always believe me and there's absolutely no way that you will make me leave her." He smirks and steps closer to me. "We'll see about that, Lee."

Aubrey's Pov
Heeseung was taking a long time and I was ready to go to another store, so I paid for my things. I told the cashier goodbye and was making my way to the exit, when I saw Jungwon and Heeseung arguing. I didn't want them to fight again so I ran over to them, only to stop in my tracks when I saw a bunch of police officers. They crowded around Heeseung and I saw Jungwon smirking.

A man pushed past the officer and I could tell that he was the boss. Jungwon stepped back and he took Jungwon's place. I stepped forward only for Jungwon to stop me. "No, Aubrey don't." I ignored him and I walked up to the man and stepped in front of Heeseung, blocking him from the man. "Sir, what is this all about?" The man looked at me and extended his hand for a handshake. "I'm Kim Namjoon and I'm here for your boyfriend." I shook his hand but I didn't move. "Why?"

Heeseung gently moved me out of the way, "It's okay my love. What's the problem, officer?" Kim Namjoon glared at Heeseung and he took off his shades. "You're the problem, Heeseung." I was getting frustrated with everything so I blurted out, "What are you talking about?" Kim Namjoon motioned to his men, and one of them handed him a pair of handcuffs. "Lee Heeseung, you are under arrest for the murder of Malia Wilson."

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