Aubrey's Missing

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Heeseung's Pov
"I'm going to kill him." Kill me. Aubrey wants to kill me?! There's absolutely no way that she would, she loves me too much. I'm glad that I installed those cameras and microphones in her room and all over the house. I know she's hurt and that's her pain talking, but she's not going to kill me. Speaking of 'killing' who the heck is this Jake guy? He's worst than Jungwon, he shamelessly flirts with my girl.

He's got to go and Jungwon too. Oh, how I'm ready to get rid of Jungwon. I've been waiting forever to kill him and now I finally can. Along with Jake and that Riki dude. All for Aubrey, my pretty angel girl. I continued to listen in on what they were talking about, and I could tell that Aubrey was forcing herself to hate me, she loves me too much and no matter how mad she is she will always love me.

Aubrey's Pov
Jungwon tried so hard to hide his smile but I saw it. I know what I said, made him happy but am I really going to kill him if I see him? I should but I don't think I will. Ugh! Why do I still love him? My thoughts were interrupted by my mom's voice. "Sweetie, your dad and I are going to call it a night, we're tired. Goodnight love, goodnight Jungwon. Tell Jake and Riki I said goodnight, when they get back. I love you sweetheart."

"Goodnight mom, I love you too." As soon as she left, I got a text from Jake saying that they were in the driveway. I rushed downstairs to open the door. Riki embraced me in a hug, "Are you okay? I'm sorry that this is happening to you." He was more worried than I was, I rubbed his back to reassure him. "I'm fine RiRi, but I am tired. So let's go to sleep."

After the boys finished showering, they played rock, paper, scissors to see who sleeps in my room. Jungwon wins and Jake and Riki makes their way to the living room. I check on them to make sure that the couch was big enough for the both of them. I checked on my mom and dad who were snoring like crazy. I walk into my room to see Jungwon waiting for me.

"Ready for bed?" I nodded and jumped on my bed, which caused laughter to erupt from Wonnie. I look at him on the floor, "Are you sure you don't want to sleep next to me?" He sighs and sits up, "Aubrey it's fine. I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Plus, I know how you feel about sharing your bed, so yeah I'm okay." He gives me a thumbs up and I give him one back. I turn off my light and mumbled a 'goodnight' before I fell asleep.

Heeseung's Pov
I waited for two hours to make sure they that were asleep and now I can continue with my plan. I know that my plan will be successful because Aubrey's a heavy sleeper. I grabbed my bobbypin that I stole from Aubrey, and I made my way to the door. Once I got in, I made sure to be very quiet. I ignored the two guys on the couch, I'll come back to kill them later. I quietly made my way up the stairs and tiptoed past my dad's room.

I saw Aubrey's door open and I saw Jungwon on the floor. My fist and jaw clenched, I could've killed him right then and there, but I have something very special planned for him, so I'll wait just a little bit longer. I walk up to Aubrey and I smile. She looks so beautiful. I noticed how she's wearing my shirt and she's hugging my pillow. I knew it! She still loves me and she's not going to kill me. I kissed her forehead before I picked her up and left.

Jungwon's Pov
I woke up due to the sun in my face, and I got up to close the blinds. I saw that Aubrey wasn't in her bed, so I assumed that she was in the bathroom, and went back to sleep. I woke up again, three hours later and Aubrey's not in her bed. This time I got up to look for her. She wasn't in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Riki was awake and on his phone so I asked him. "Hey Riki, have you seen Aubrey?" He looks up from his phone, confusion all over his face. "No, I thought she was still sleeping." "She's not in the room and I've checked everywhere."

I was about to panic when Riki said something that calmed me down. "Maybe she went to Starbucks, you know how addicted she is to that place, and they opened two hours ago and she probably couldn't wait." I sighed in relief and I was to go lay back down when I saw Ms Olivia. My smile faded when I saw her panicked face, "What's wrong Ms Olivia?" She looks at me and tears rolled down her face. "Aubrey's missing."

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