001 - Start

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"Ow." I winced when Jeff pulled a splinter out of my finger. "Ow."

"Ow, ow, ow, will not let the pain disappear." Gally snapped from behind, mimicking me slightly.

"Ah, you shut up, Potato Head," I replied, already annoyed by the kid. "You asked me to help you."

"With carrying some wood, yes! You're the one that's so dumb to get splinters." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Can't believe how they even decided for you to be a Builder."

I clenched my jaw. "Yeah, and I can't believe how Fry hasn't cut off your nose yet. You know, because it looks like a goddamn potato?"

His face twitched into anger as Jeff chuckled under his breath. "Have you looked in the mirror?"

"No, because one, we don't have mirrors." I held up my free hand, counting on my fingers. "And two, if I did, I would've fallen in love."

"Stop acting like you're Minho."

"Stop acting like you're a potato."

Gally did not really look like a potato... only his nose was a bit big, but he couldn't change a thing about that. His eyebrows were weirdly curved, yet that didn't make him unattractive either. He wasn't the ugliest, I had to admit.

His dark blonde hair was always buzzed, making me wonder who cut his hair, since Gally said he had been in the Glade for a year already. I had been there for about five months, maybe more.

Jeff laughed again. "Val, I think since you talk about potatoes so much, you must like them a lot and you say Gally is a potato, so..."

"No, absolutely not." I snapped. "Are we done here?"

The thing was, I was a Builder, and Gally was a Builder. We had this love-hate relationship, but most of the time hate, though we could be nice. Since the moment I came up in the Box things just didn't go well between us, so working with him every day was the worst.

I didn't even want to be a Builder in the first place. I was terrible at it! But since I was terrible at all the other things too, and Newt convinced Alby it would be sexist to make me a Slopper, I somehow became a Builder.

"Almost done," Jeff assured. "Excited for the new Greenie? They're arriving today, but they're late."

I exhaled deeply. "As long as it's a girl."

Every month the Box, basically a sort of elevator that would deliver things, would bring us a new kid, most of the time a boy, except for me. I was the only girl.

"Yeah, hopefully a nicer one," Gally commented.

"We talking about looks or personality here?" I fake yawned.

I honestly had no idea what I looked like. Newt, my friend, described me as a redhead with lots of freckles.. something everyone teased me for. People really had a problem with red hair.

"Both." He confirmed.

I laughed out loud. "Talk for yourself."

Gally didn't reply and crossed his arms sternly. I hoped I impressed him enough to stop bothering me and finally leave, but he didn't do the last thing.

"Why are you still here, Gally?"

"Someone still needs to help me with that wood."

I shook my head. "I couldn't do it half an hour ago, you think I can suddenly do it now?"

"No." He admitted, averting his eyes from me. "I'm just saying that... that... that someone has to help. The others are annoying."

"And I'm not?" I scoffed.

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