024 - Mysteries Unveiled

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A/N: The picture above is literally how I imagine Valerie and Gally their height difference aha :)


Waking up with Gally next to me, finding our legs intertwined, my hair in his face, his hand on my waist and the other one connected to mine, my hand slightly under his shirt (I immediately removed it), and it still being the most comfortable was... well, how do you describe it?

"Your hair is in my mouth." He grumbled, almost sounding angry.

"I'm sorry." I peeped.

In just a second, he turned soft again. Weird.

"Don't worry." He shrugged. "You have some kind of coconut shampoo, don't you?"

"Yeah." I nodded, then frowned. "Why'd you change mood so quickly? Are you pretending to be... happy? Nice?"

"Not pretending." He assured. "Just reminding myself that I hate everyone except for you."

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as my face turned bright red. "Really?"

"Well, I don't hate Fry and Alby, but, that still doesn't mean I have to act nice." He muttered.

I turned even redder. "Then why do you act nice to me?"

"Hm." He hummed, not really replying to my question. Deciding not to bug any more, I spoke again.

"I'll... uh, well... get off you- real quick, right now." Awkwardly, I rolled off his body.

I went the wrong way.

Instead of toward the corner of my bed, I rolled off the bed. And since Gally's hand was attached to mine, I pulled him with me, somehow.

With a boom, we landed on the ground, followed by some groans and curses. His heavy body landed on top of mine.

"Gally." I gulped. "I can't really... breathe."

He quickly pushed his arms up, hovering over me. His breath, heavy for some reason, blew in my face. All I could do was stare into his eyes, and he did the same.

Shivers ran all over my body. Focus, focus, focus, focus, fo-

His lips looked very nice.

Neither of us talked. I looked up at his eyes again, finding them trailing down to, I thought, my lips.

Wait. Was he doing... push-ups?

His arms bent, face moving closer to mine.

Stupid. He was leaning in.

He was leaning in, still watching what I thought must've been my lips.
And then—

The door of my hut slammed open.

The thing that always happened.

"Oh. My. Gosh!"


"Shuck. Sorry I interrupted. I'll go right back. Please, just continue." He assured as Gally slowly got off me and I pushed myself up. "I was never here." He mouthed something to Gally and held his thumbs up. "Okay. Imma-."

"What do you need, Ben?" I wondered. It would be awkward between Gally and I after he left anyway.

"Alby and Newt wanted to talk with you." He announced. "Up the Homestead. Don't know why."

"Alright. Thanks."
Ben nodded and rushed away, face bursting with excitement. Gally stood up awkwardly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'll leave." He cleared his throat.

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