046 - Nearing The End

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I hadn't thought it was possible to feel even worse than the time I did before my attempt.

Because I did feel like that.

I sat in the corner of the Glade, my knees pulled up again. I watched people wander around. Jeff ran everywhere to treat hurt people.

But no Clint.

I hadn't seen Gally. Neither did I see Thomas or Teresa or Chuck. Then there was Newt, who was walking right over to me and sat down without saying anything.

My cheeks were stained with dried up tears. My hair must've been a mess, and my voice was hoarse. "Who did we lose?" I whispered.

Newt stared at nothing, his face blank, but eyes full of hurt. "Alby." He said.

My breathing hitched. Crack, a piece of my heart.

"Clint." He continued.



Another crack.

"And way more." His voice was high-pitched.

Tears were streaming down my face silently. "What about Josephine?"

His Adam's apple moved. Body tensed. "She got taken out of your hut by a Griever."

I froze. What did I even have left at this point?

More silent tears as my world was slowly falling apart. I almost had no hope less. "I'm gonna convince Gally to come with us." I mumbled, getting up and leave Newt behind. Both of us seemed broken.

It didn't take long to find him sitting nearby my hut. His eyes met mine, and all I saw was sadness. Newt and I weren't the only one who felt empty, after all.

"Come with us." I said, my voice cracking more than I intended. "Please, Gally."

He stared and stared and stared, not replying. Then he got up, and wrapped his large arms around my body.

"Gally. Please." I begged, tears running down my cheeks. "We said we would get a house. We will. Together. So please, I need you to come with me. I can't escape without you. But I won't stay here, either. The Glade's ruined already. You and I know damn well you don't really enjoy the other's company that much. There's no reason to stay. We can get through whatever you saw was left of the world. We'll— we'll find a place. I know we can. Please." 

He fell silent, and inspected my face for a while, his eyes trailing all over it, then,


My stomach made a jump, and I attacked him with another hug, crying louder now. It would be okay. "Thank you."

"Only for you." He added blankly. "Not for Thomas or anyone."

I nodded, sniffing. "Where is Thomas?"

A long silence. "I might've... thrown him in the Slammer."

Offended, I gave him a small push on the shoulder. "Get him out of there."


"Get Thomas out." I repeated, slower.

Eventually, he nodded and rushed away.


In my head, I had to keep repeating everything would be okay. I would get through it. Live a life with Gally. We could do it.

We stood in front of the Doors, the tension clearly there. Newt had gathered all the Gladers that wanted to join us. The most familiar faces were Winston and Jeff.

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