035 - Flames and Names

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"You don't really like this Greenie, do you?" I chuckled at Gally. He sat next me at the bonfire, about to wrestle someone, but he made time for me, too.

"I don't trust him." He grumbled, staring at the fire.

"You haven't really met him nicely, how can you know?"

"I've seen him."

"Huh? You've— ohh."

He rubbed his forehead. "I won't share too much about it. Sorry."

"It's okay." I smiled.

"I saw him and I don't trust him." He muttered. "But I don't want to forbid you from hanging out with him. So, you do you. Just be careful."

"Okay." I lay my head on his shoulder, enjoying the fire too.

"But don't you dare go somewhere alone with him when I'm not around." He added.

"Promised." I assured. More boys started to gather around the fighting ring. "Do you really have to go wrestle?"

He grinned. "Wanna join?"

"Yes, please. My favorite hobby." I rolled my eyes. "I'll watch."

"You'll distract me by watching." He moved in front of me. Touched my shoulders.

I blushed. "Then you just... make sure you don't get distracted."

His name got shouted by a few boys. Both of us sighed before Gally leaned in and kissed me on the lips, long, and cupping my face.

"You better win." I whispered.

"For you, I will." He smiled, placed one last kiss on my forehead, then left. I blushed even deeper.

"Ew." Chuck pulled a face. "That was disgusting."

"It was lovely, admit it." I smiled even brighter.

"I'm never getting a girlfriend." He seemed disgusted.

"I can assure that in the future, you will get one." I patted him on the shoulder. "Wanna watch my boyfriend fight?"

"His name is Gally." Chuck mocked, though he got up and followed me to the ring. "I still don't really like him. He's so scary... and grumpy."

"Not everyone can be a sunshine." I replied.

The boy sighed. "But he's not nice to anyone. Except for you. Why's that, by the way?"

I felt flattered by those words. "Because... I'm his girlfriend."

"Ouch." Chuck's eyes already focused on Gally pushing a boy on the ground. "Why so rough?"

"He can't win if he fights like a twat." I shrugged, mostly admiring how hot Gally looked as he fought. "Oeh, that does look like it hurts."

Chuck looked at me now. "Did you ever fight him?"

"I did. He gave me a bleeding nose." I laughed at that memory. "He never apologized. Neither did I."

He frowned. "That's not nice. Why would he do that?"

"Because in the beginning, we hated each other." I touched my chin. "And now we don't."

"That's weird."

"You don't find it cute?"

"No. It's weird."

I smiled. Chuck gasped.

"He's gonna fight the Greenie!" He whisper-yelled. My eyes widened. Gally didn't like the Greenie, the Greenie didn't seem to like him. Not good.

"Okay. All right." Gally stepped into the middle of the circle. The Greenie stood there too, awkward and fixing his shirt. "The rules are simple, Greenie. I try to push you out of the circle... you try to last more than five seconds."

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