030 - Games

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A/N: Aah chapter 30 already! Thanks for all the support so far!! x

Also, don't bother that this scene is some kind of recreation from my other story Redamancy :)

And yes, I also felt the need to add this basic, very common, cringey scenario aha


"This better not turn out into one of those disasters like last time." I mumbled at the bonfire. By now, the kid already remembered his name. It was just when it randomly popped up in his mind.


"And aren't you supposed to be in that ring?" I raised my eyebrows at Gally while pointing at the fighting boys. He sat next to me, against a log. Next to us sat our normal crew. Newt, Ben, Frypan, and Chuck, too now. A few minutes Minho joined, and then he left, repeating that over and over again.

"I have an idea." He suddenly said, not giving Gally the chance to answer me. "The wrestling, making music, and eating is getting old. I want to do something else."

"Your point?" Frypan lifted an eyebrow.

He shrugged. "Just something else."

"This is the moment I've been waiting for all my life." Ben drummed on his knees. "Truth or dare."

Dozens of people protested.

"Give me one good reason why not." Ben added. It fell silent. "Awesome! Who's in?"

Our group joined, Winston, the Med-jacks, and a few others I wasn't very familiar with. No other Builders, luckily.

"Do you want to join too?" I whispered to Chuck. He was allowed to have one tiny jar of Gally's drink, but that was it.

"I'll watch." He told me. "I'd rather not get dared to pull my pants off."

I laughed, then turned back to the others again. Gally and Ben sat on the log now, the rest on the ground. "Alright." Ben made it obvious he wanted lead. "Minho. Truth or dare?"

I already cringed at playing the game, but had joined either way, not wanting to ruin the fun.


None of us was surprised.

"Do an impression of another Glader until we guess who it is."

A giant grin formed on Minho's face. He nodded, got up, and started the act.

He put his hand on his hip and walked around, moving his other hip dramatically. With one hand he acted as if he was holding a hand bag. "Oh, Gally! Babe, I love you soooo much."

I wanted to bury myself alive at first, but then laughed at it, just as everyone else. My cheeks were red, though.

Obviously everyone guessed he was acting like me. Minho smiled and sat back down. "Alrighty. Newt. Truth or dare?"

The blonde seemed very bothered by playing the game, but chose dare. He was told to chug down a whole jar of Gally's liquid as fast as he could.

People whooped cheers as he got a jar and started to drink. Some of the liquid slid past his mouth, into his shirt, but somehow he was amazingly fast with drinking. More cheers followed before Newt asked Frypan the question.


"I'm wondering, where do all the leftovers go?"

Frypan scoffed. "Dude, why do you think I'm chubby?"

Everyone laughed at that. I finished my second jar of Gally's drink, feeling myself get all slow already.

"Can't really take much drinks, can you?" Gally grinned at me.

"How smaller you are, how less blood you have, which means less water in it, so yes, sadly." I rolled my eyes. "I don't care."

"Well, you-."

He got cut off by Frypan shouting my name. "Truth or dare?"

Oh, god.

"Dare." I replied. I didn't want to be a twat in front of those boys.

Ben whispered something in the Cook's ear, who nodded happily. "Alright. I dare you, to sit on Gally's lap for—."


"—the rest of the game."

Should've chosen truth. Should've seen it coming.

Ben clapped his hands. "Come on, don't be shy!"

I turned to face Gally, frowning and telling him 'no' with my eyes.

"It's okay. You barely weight anything. We'll be fine." He assured.

"I don't think I s- uh, alright then." Before I could even finish my sentence, Gally had lifted me on his lap.

I cleared my throat, sitting there awkwardly, on the tip of his knees. Soon the others didn't pay any more attention to us and continued the game.

"Relax, Ginger." He wrapped his arms around my torso and slowly pulled me closer to him. "Are you comfortable? 'Cause you're gonna sit here for a while."

I nodded. "Could you hand me my drink?"

He easily completed my favor. I took sips of it as I watched some people being dared to do crazy stuff. Clint was dared to run around in the Glade yelling crazy stuff, Ben had to do a handstand after drinking a lot of jars, and stuff like that.

It had been at least half an hour after my dare, and the seat was getting pretty uncomfortable. My butt had no more feeling, my back hurt from sitting so straight, and I felt the need to change position, so I did.

I struggled to find a comfortable place. Gally groaned at it.

"Sorry. Am I hurting you?"


I let go of it and continued finding a nice position, in the meanwhile laughing from excitement when the next dare got shared.

Suddenly, his hands gripped around my waist tightly. "Please, just sit still, Valerie." He murmured. "Please."

"Sorry." I yawned. "Can I sleep on your lap?" I blurted out, though I didn't care after the amount of alcohol I drank.


"Can I turn around?"
He never had the chance to refuse, because I already moved, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulders. That was what I called comfortable.

He never let go of my waist. "Good night, I guess."

"Night." I closed my eyes. "Would you mind loosening your grip on me, though? I don't know if you've noticed, but you're holding me pretty hard."

His hands released off my body. I sighed in relief and buried my head into his shoulder. "Night."

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