036 - Building Again

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"Sorry but— can I sit?" Thomas stood by the side of my and Chuck's table. Gally was getting ready and would arrive soon, or so he told me.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled at him. Chuck scooted aside and let Thomas sit next to him. He even offered some of his food, but the Greenie refused politely.

"Up early, I see?" Chuck put on his tough voice.

"Yeah." Thomas shrugged. "Alby woke me up. So... about those jobs, hm? What will I do today?"

"Uh.." I rubbed my forehead. "I think either Slicers or Track-hoes. Please make sure you don't kill Josephine."


"Her and Ben's chicken. Have you met Ben? He's a Runner. Probably in the maze already." Chuck replied.

I nearly gave him an offended glance for telling this much information about Runners, but then reminded myself no Greenie deserved to be told nothing and I wished to be a Runner too, since Thomas seemed very interested in the job.

"I haven't seen any other girls." Thomas then announced. "You're the only one, aren't you?"

"You're a genius, aren't you?" I chuckled. "Yes, I'm the only one."

"Pff." He leaned on his elbow. "Must suck."

"Well... sometimes. But it's okay."

No one said anything for a while. Thomas' eyes searched around the Glade, Chuck stuffed his mouth full with food, and I was carefully eating too.

"He doesn't like me." Thomas suddenly pointed out, staring at a quite angry-looking Gally. "Does he like anyone?"

I sighed. "Nope. Hates everyone. Especially me."

Chuck seemed super confused, frowned deeply and mouthed 'what the hell' to me, but my grin made him play along. "Oh, yeah. He tried to push her into the maze once. When the Doors were closing."

Thomas' head snapped toward the boy so fast I thought his neck would break. "What?!"

I had a hard time holding my laugh. "Yeah, he tried that. He nearly killed me when I was wrestling with him."

Horror was all on his face. "What? And he hasn't been... punished yet? He got away with it?"

"He denied." Chuck confirmed. His eyes were wide from twinkling. "Denied, denied, denied. And Newt—."

I gave him a glance.

"I- I mean... uh, Minho... likes him. Newt doesn't! Newt's a good friend. Newt, uh- hates Gally, so you should totally... hang out with him... a little more."

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. "He's walking toward us."

"Oh, you should confront him. I'm super small and so is Val, so we can't do anything against him. You can." Chuck encouraged happily, grinning at me.

"Morning." Gally indeed arrived in front of us, giving Thomas death stares.


Oh god.

Chuck's eyes widened even more. I pressed my lips together to avoid any giggles to come out.

"Excuse me?" Gally stared at Thomas.

"Don't join us."

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now