017 - Sun And Moon

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I was happy. Most of the time. Sometimes.

Well, I was happy around Gally. And Newt. And Ben and the Med-Jacks (sometimes)... but not when I was alone, or when I had to walk past the leftover Builders.

A few of them spent the week in the Slammer, because of what they did to me. Others just gave me glances. No one said anything about the poem. Yet.

But at night... I mostly cried myself to sleep. Hadn't talked about it to anyone, because why would I? It was mostly about Luke, though my other (new) friends covered up his spot well. Sometimes I just remembered the comments and cried. Or about myself and how I felt, like before my attempt.

But, I was getting happier by the weeks.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked Gally a week after the faint thing. We were on our way to dinner.

I liked him. As a friend, for now. Newt believed that would change soon, I didn't. He was nice to talk to, and I got comfortable, so talked a lot. He didn't seem to mind and actually searched for me so we could have the meals together. Was always saying he found the Builders too annoying to sit with.


"That does not surprise me." I motioned at his brown shirt, which he always wore. Like, always. "Do you ever wash that shirt? Or do you have multiple?"

He averted his eyes. "Why?"

"You wear it a lot. No offense." I gave Frypan a nod as a thank you for the food, then continued to walk with Gally. "Wear something else."

"No." He shook his head. "What's your favorite color, though?"

I smiled. "Must be white."

"White isn't a color."

I nearly threw my hands in the air. "That's what everyone says!"

"Because it's true." He said triumphant, almost as if he had won something.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll stick with white. But I like mint green too. But baby blue! Oh, and sunshine yellow... what do you think about old pink? I do like brown, too, though."

"I don't see a difference between mint green and green."

"There is a clear difference." I paused and smiled brighter at myself. "Can you do me a favor? It has to do with building."

"Depends on the favor."

"Can you paint the insides of my hut—."


"—blue." I gave him an offended glance. "Can we ask the Box to deliver fake ivy so I can hang it on my walls?"

"Your room is not the maze."

"Ah come on! Or are you scared I will try it again? Don't worry, a jump like that won't kill me. But, maybe I'll break another leg." I grinned at him.

He did not laugh. Or grin. Or anything close to that. "That is not funny."

I covered a laugh by coughing. "It kind of is."

"It is not."

I did my best to mute a giggle. "It's funny. Admit it."

"Jokes like that are not funny."

I scoffed at him, then took a look around all the picnic tables. My eye caught Newt and Minho sitting together, laughing. "Let's join them. Minho and Newt."

"What?" He immediately was alert, straightening his back. "No. I won't join those two."

"Why not?"

"They don't like me."

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now