031 - Whispered Affections

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"So the kid..." Gally started. By now both of us, and everyone else, found out he wasn't shy at all. In fact, he talked our heads off with nonsense, which I didn't mind, because I did the exact same thing. "I prefer you."

"Wow, no one said you had to choose between me and Chuck." I chuckled.

He smiled at me, something I couldn't see very sharp in the faint light. It was night, we lay in my bed as always, me close to his side, his arm wrapped around me, face-to-face.

Randomly, I said the first thing that came to mind, "Would you ever go inside the maze?"

His face darkened for a second. Swallowing, he shook his head. "No. Rather not. You would, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah." I blowed out a breath as I watched Gally closely. "I would."

He took my hand under the sheets, causing the electric sparks to form again. "You're safer here."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know. But... but I'd like a normal life, too."

Gally nodded. Hopefully he understood, because then slowly, his eyes trailed down to my lips. And that made me nervous as hell. "Would you still want to be a Runner if you could?"

I hummed, hesitating for a few seconds. "Yes. I... I would be a, uh, Runner." I stammered. Why? Because he moved his hands from my hips to my upper waist over and over again.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

He knew damn well what he was doing.

"Because I want to find a way out, I- and, uh, proof I can do it... too." I managed to say.

He blinked a few innocent times, then pulled me closer by the waist. His breathing blew in my face as he asked, "Proof you can do what too?"

My heartbeat sped up.
"Run." I swallowed super deep. "Obviously."

A satisfied smirk. "Right." His thumb drew circles on my side. Eyes went from my lips to my eyes. "So, can I kiss you?"

I nodded, no words able to leave my mouth.

His lips attached to mine slowly, yet deep. Gally's large hands cupped both sides of my face as he moved closer, his soft lips moving against mine fast and gentle at once.

A hand of mine lay on the back of his head. I tried to pull him closer, which was only possible when he pushed himself up and hovered over me, never stopping the kiss. I couldn't think of a way he could possibly kiss me, cup my face, and make sure he didn't put all his weight on me. But he did it.

Then, unexpected, he moved to work on my jaw, placing kisses so soft I only felt his lips and breath tickle my skin. And it felt amazing. He built his pace up equally, kissing with more force after a while, as he made his way to my neck.

He hooked his fingers at the top of my short-sleeved shirt and moved it so that my shoulder was visible. "You okay?" A whisper, so low it made my legs get weak.

I hummed. That's all I could possibly do.

He had so much impact on me. Oh, and when he touched my neck. His eyes twinkled, the smirk still stuck. Slowly, he replaced his gentle touch with actual kisses, wetting my neck, and most likely leaving marks, too.

A whimper escaped my mouth. I almost pressed a hand on it, but I was focusing on the amazing pleasure so much I barely registered or took control over my own sounds.

And it gave him motivation to go on. One of his hands was on the back of my neck, the other one on my waist. I desperately clenched my fists around the sheets, breathing heavily. It felt so, so good that I wondered why I even refused to do more intense stuff at first.

His name left my mouth when the kisses turned even deeper. It caused my cheeks to heat up, but he seemed pleasured to hear it. I tightened my jaw, trying not to allow more noises, though it didn't work.

Gally softly kissed me on the lips a last time. Then on my forehead, nose, and cheeks. I blushed so deep it felt like my face was on fire. He smiled and rolled off me, his own breaths heavy, too.

I had to get some more oxygen before I smiled back. Wrapped my arms around his torso, kind of wondering if I was supposed to kiss him on the neck too, but then I decided, another time.

More kisses on my head. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Perfect."

"Indeed, you are." He muttered, watching me closely. "Tired?"

I blinked a few times, checking to answer him. Then I nodded again. "A little. Are you?"

"A little."

Small laughs and him pulling me closer to his chest followed. I closed my eyes, breathed his smell in, and scratched my nails over his bare back softly.

He groaned happily, but then, "Valerie."

I met his eyes. Stopped my movements. "Yes?"

He took a breath, leaning closer to my ear and said, "I love you."

My breathing hitched in my throat. Goosebumps formed everywhere. He loved me. Someone loved me.

Since the second I kissed him for the first time, I had known I loved him. I just didn't tell him, because I didn't feel the urge.

"I love you too, Gally." Our foreheads pressed together. Body heat got shared.

He was still smiling. He did it a lot, actually. Especially for normally such a grumpy guy. "Good night, Val."

"Good night, Gally."

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt