007 - Lake

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Luke was chosen as a Track-Hoe and now worked there, though we still ate meals together at the tree every day. Sometimes Newt would join too.

"So how's the Building going?" Luke asked in the morning. He then took a bite of his apple.

"Fine." I shrugged. "Still not good at it. But it's okay."

"Did those guys stop?"


My answers were short and in a low tone. Luckily Luke either didn't seem to notice, or just didn't bother. He was quite oblivious if you thought about it.

Somewhere I wished people cared enough to have a deep talk with me. Maybe that would help and I wouldn't feel even worse every day.

"Well. I better go to work. Zart's waiting for me." Luke gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked away.

I exhaled and leaned my head against the tree, zoning off a bit again. The thoughts of it all being over floating everywhere again.

What have I ever done that's not worthless? Have I ever helped someone? No. I never did. My own thoughts shocked me again, but I didn't stop them.

Only Luke and Newt would notice. They would get over it, right? If I died.

I didn't get a long time to think about it; something else drew my attention. Luke was stomping toward the maze at an even speed, definitely planning to walk in there.

I jumped up, remembering very well he said he would never want to go into the maze. Running already, I shouted for him, but all he did was walk further until he completely disappeared into the giant walls.

It was unbelievable. He said he wouldn't go! Worry washed over me as I ran faster, hoping to catch up with him. But of course, someone interrupted me.

"Hey, Val!" Gally pushed me to the side and blocked my way to the maze. "The hell are you doing?"

I swallowed deeply, trying to find the right words. "Luke. He... he just walked in here, Gally!"

The panic came fast and I realized how much I cared about my brother. Would he care as much for me?

"Luke's supposed to be working and you too, Val. Come on." Gally took my arm, leading to me shaking him off.

"No. Luke went in there, I swear. We have to send someone after him." I told him. "Alby!"

Gally shook his head "Don't cause trouble. You're seeing things."

"No, I'm not. Why don't you believe me?" I raised my voice slightly.

Gally refused. "I'm sure he'll come back soon, if he even is out there. But we can't send someone after him. Just wait for the Runners to return. We don't want to lose anyone else."

"Lose anyone else?" I almost screamed as Gally started to walk away. "It's my shuck brother, I can't leave him! I'll go save him myself then."

But before I even got the slightest chance to walk closer to the Doors, Gally grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me away from them. I winced in pain, knowing his grip would leave a mark. It made me wonder why he was even doing it in the first place.

"Let me go, you shuck-faced piece of-."

"Calm down." He commanded. His grip loosened enough to make it less painful, but not for me to escape. "Don't you dare make one step inside that maze. I don't care if your brother is out there or for what other reason. Just don't."

"You can't order me stuff like you're my shuck father!" I didn't yell it. That would be embarrassing, but by my tone I let him know how pissed I was. "Or family member, or anything close to that!"

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now