002 - Perfection

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Still pissed about the previous night, I sat down for breakfast the next day. My nose felt as if it was broken and Gally had bruises on his face, which honestly made me want to grin.

"I must say..." Mike started. "That was quite entertaining."

I took a bite of my food. "Sure it was."

Gally gave me the nastiest glance ever and remained silent the whole meal. Some boys laughed at him and teased me, but when Newt showed up, it got completely quiet.

"Good morning to you too." He gave them a nod and sat down next to me. I scooted away from the rest and listened to the Brit, who talked quietly.

"Okay, so I spoke to Alby." He explained. "Said you had changes of changing your job. You just have to repeat what the Greenies do, so basically you try everything out."

"Even running?" I gasped. Greenies didn't get to try running.

"Well, I'm not sure about that, but maybe." Newt rubbed his chin. "Also, these boys are acting a bit weird."

I turned my head to look a the Builders. They all stared at Newt like he was a shuck Griever. Annoyed by them, I sighed, "Don't mind them."

"Yo, Newt!" One laughed. "Come to visit your girlfriend?"

His cheeks turned red in shame. "She's not my girlfriend."

"Convincing." They teased. 

"Those bastards ever shut up?" Newt mumbled.

I chuckled. "Welcome to my life."

"Well, they scare the klunk out of me, honestly." He whispered. "Staring like they're seeing a bloody Griever for the first time."

"Bloody this, bloody that." One mimicked. I bit my lip. Once it came to Newt, I could get angry really fast. Like, really... really fast.

"Want some British tea with your breakfast, Newt?"

My heart started to race. "It's still the Second-in-command you're talking to here."

"What's he gonna do? Curse with bloody?"

I moved toward the boy and punched him in the face hard enough to cause a bleeding nose.
"Make you bloody." I corrected.

"Hey!" They protested.

"She broke the rules!"

"We were just teasing!"

A grin was hidden behind Newt's face. "She's lucky she doesn't tease me. Since I'm the Second-in-command I have a big role in deciding what will happen now she broke the rules. She's my friend but unlike you guys..." He trailed off, then put himself together again. "And I think mentally 'harming' someone is also breaking the rules. Guess spending a night with the Grievers is fun too."

I covered my giggle with a cough. Their absurd faces were too good! Newt gave me a nod in satisfaction but sadly left again. He probably didn't want to get teased anymore.

Later, I left too.. to build. My favorite hobby, not. I was helping patch up a tower, which had a beautiful sight once you climbed on top of it. The bad thing was, it was super unstable, so I hoped to work on it helped.

My tongue stuck out of my mouth, sweat damped on my forehead, and my fingers hurt from working, yet I didn't give up. Perfection. No matter how bad I was at building or anything else, it had to be perfect anyways.

"Getting pretty concentrated on there, aren't ya?" A Builder shouted at me. I fully ignored him, wanting to succeed so badly. But all those boys seemed to get it done so easily and then there was me.. who took half an hour to even slam a nail right.

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