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Panting as she could feel her legs throbbing with each step she took, the wind felt like fire in her lungs that set it ablaze with each breath she took. She could not hear a single thing except for her footfalls that landed on the ground crunching leaves as she went. She could feel the chill of the wind that hit her flushed face, tasting the salty water that run down her face freely as she continued to flee.

She felt the branches scratching on her skin and clothes as she run out of the woods, some tugged onto the hem of her dress in her distress and fear of wanting to escape she screamed as she pulled her dress free. Even though it was simply a branch of a bush that caught her, in her eyes it was one of the men chasing after her and Avery. Pulling on it had caused the hem of her skirt to rip and for her to fall down.

Backing away from the branch before she turned unto her knees as she tried to crawl away. Trying to stand up and falling onto her knees once more, clawing onto whatever she can get her hands on to help her get up. The soil entering her nails, the twigs and the barks of the trees scraping her palms when she held onto it for support. Enduring the pain of her leg, her knees and her palms as she stood up. Taking a deep breath as she steadied herself, feeling the blood trickled down from her wound on her leg.

Altheia ran until she could reach the river, the stream's current was wilder than it was compared to a while ago. Looking back to the forest and at the river, bunching up her skirt before she jumped unto the small stones. Skipping on the wet stones with an injured leg was not entirely a good idea even for her.

As she was skipping with her injured leg, unable to keep her balance due to the pain, she fell into the raging waters of the river. As she fell into the river she saw blue figures; Humanoids with flowy blue hair with two fins on top of its head. It had translucent blue skin with eyes like two little dots. She ended up screaming in fright as she opened her mouth choking on the water before she pushed herself up to reach the surface. Fighting to keep her head above the stream as she spurted out water from her mouth as she gasped for breath. Dueling for breath was hard as it is but to struggle against the current as she pushed to get to the other side was another story.

Gasping as she held onto a stone to stop herself from being taken by the wrath of the water. Her hands stung as she held onto the rock, feeling as though she was being pulled back into the river to drown. She felt pressure as though hands were holding onto her leg.

She was flailing as she wept in fear of drowning, she felt something holding onto her arms. She screamed in pain when her grip slowly slipped off the wet stone, the humanoid were the one's dragging her. She was flailing until she could breathe once more, opening her eyes to see she was on the other side of the river.

Shaking as she slowly stood up looking at the humanoid was looking at her, with its eyes only showing. She patted herself, panting as she looked at it, her heart beating slowing down for a bit. She could feel the water current still pushing her but it was shallow enough that she could hold her ground.

"Thank you." She whispered as she gasped for breath. The humanoid had just simply nodded at her and disappeared once more into the river. With that Altheia stood up and headed into the forest on that side of the river.

A man with emerald green eyes and obsidian black hair sat on the edge of the river, he was playing with the soft pebbles on the side of the bank. Tossing the pebble into the water once the little girl was out of sight and disappeared into the shadows of the opposite, creating ripples from which the humanoid appeared from.

"Instead of playing with pebbles, why didn't you help her? It's not like you have never meddled with mortal affairs in the past" The humanoid said as it walked towards the man.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now